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Chinese Shadow Puppets

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1 Chinese Shadow Puppets
Presentation modified and prepared by Alice Finch 2017 E2 Extra Art Project West Mercer Elementary Art Enrichment Program

2 Chinese Shadow Puppets

3 Shadow Puppet performance

4 History of Chinese Shadow Puppetry Video by Unesco

5 Puppets are held up against a white screen
Puppets are held up against a white screen. By holding them at an angle, the handles do not show up in the shadow.



8 Today’s Project Shadow puppets to tell a Chinese fairy tale

9 Step 1 - Characters What characters are in your story?
What articulations are needed? Arm(s) Leg(s) Body (for animals like a dragon)

10 Step 2 - Scenery What features can be represented? On the sides Sky
ground What is the setting of the story? Do you need more than one?

11 Step 3 – Who is doing what? Plan out what you need for your story
Assign characters and scenery tasks for each member of your group

12 Step 4 – Character features
Use hole punches of various sizes and scissors to make facial features and clothing features on your figure Head drawn in profile Arms, torso, legs are angled view Figure should be about 12” tall

13 Step 5- Articulation Notice all of the different places that a figure can be articulated Each of YOUR figures should have 2 points of articulation

14 Step 7 – Animal articulation
Where can you add articulated features to make it walk or move?

15 Step 5 – Grommets Punch holes at the point of articulation
Use the grommet and grommet tools to attach the 2 layers together How this is done varies depending on the manufacturer of the grommet

16 Step 6 – Straw handles Tape on straw handles to actuate articulated joints. If you have an arm and a leg that move, you will also need a straw attached to the body

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