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International Task Force on Vehicle-Highway Automation

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2 International Task Force on Vehicle-Highway Automation
21th Annual Meeting October 29, 2017 Montreal, Canada

3 Introduction

4 What is ITFVHA? A forum to discuss government-industry roles in development and deployment of Automated Driving Systems An informal group for exchange of information and strengthening global linkages

5 ITFVHA Approach Invitation-only gathering
“core community” of established programs countries / industries exploring strategy/benefits for Automated Driving Independent of other ITS activities and forums

6 History of ITFVHA Organizational meeting: 1996, Orlando
1997, San Diego, sponsored by NAHSC 1998, Delft, Netherlands, sponsored by Rijkswaterstaat 1999, Toronto, sponsored by ITS America 2000, Tsukuba City, sponsored by MOC/AHSRA 2001, Sydney, sponsored by ITS Australia / AAA 2002, Chicago, sponsored by TRB and ITS America 2003, Paris, sponsored by LIVIC 2004, Nagoya, sponsored by MLIT / AHSRA 2005, San Francisco, sponsored by ITS America / USDOT 2006, London, sponsored by UK Highways Agency

7 History of ITFVHA 2007, Versailles, sponsored by INRIA
2008, New York City, sponsored by Parsons-Brinkerhoff 2009, Stockholm, sponsored by H3B Media 2010, Busan, sponsored by Korean Transport Institute 2011, Orlando, sponsored by Bishop Consulting 2012, Vienna, sponsored by Austrian Institute of Technology & AUVSI 2013, Tokyo, sponsored by ALPS/Alpine 2014, Detroit, sponsored by VRA and Nissan 2015, Bordeaux, sponsored by VRA and AutonomouStuff 2016, Melbourne, sponsored by WSP and VRA

8 21st Annual Meeting Montreal Sponsor—WSP Review of Agenda
Dinner—6:30 pm Restaurant “Le Blumenthal” 305 Rue Sainte-Catherine O.  Montreal, Qc H2X 2A1

9 What is the most significant development in vehicle automation of the last year?

10 Significant Developments in the Last Year (View from 2016)
The “Peak of Inflated Expectations” has been hit (Gartner Hype Cycle). Industry Investments/acquisitions/partnership activities around startups relating to automated driving & mobility. Tesla AutoPilot deployment with fatality with the world seeming to be essentially OK with it. Ford’s announcement to deliver high-volume, fully autonomous vehicles for ride sharing in 2021. Testing Testing of vehicles on public roads with the general public inside. Public Initiatives Smart Columbus (USA) Regulations USA NHTSA's policy guidance 1.0

11 2017—Significant Developments in the Last Year
Falling of the Gartner Hype Cycle. Industry BAIDU launches Apollo (Android on wheels); builds huge ecosystem of followers Significant industry consolidations continue: Samsung/Harmen, Intel/Mobileye, Delphi/Nutonomy and more Automakers “out of the closet” – switching business models to mobility as a service Change of structure and development processes in traditional companies; extension of the Mobileye, Intel and BMW partnership by new partners Number of LiDAR manufactures coming to market Number of autonomous platform developers coming to market Rise of truck automation: new startups, significant investment

12 2017—Significant Developments in the Last Year
Technology Real-time neural network architecture for object detection (YOLO) Silicon manufacturers are heavily investing in purpose built AV platforms Testing Transition from Field Operational Tests to Deployment. Now the real work begins! Trials around the world involving Level 3 automation and above e.g. L3Pilot, Drive Me, etc. Regulations USDOT Federal AV Policy 2.0 California Driverless Regulations Waymo Safety Report   US DoT evolving from CV -> CV/AV -> AV/CV -> AV

13 Discussion

14 What are key issues to be addressed for automated driving within the next 3 years?

15 Key Issues for Next Three Years— View from 2016
Public Managing public expectations Build consumer confidence Regulatory Establish a regulatory framework for automated vehicles. Define operational requirements for inter-operation of automated vehicles and other road users. USA mandate of V2V? Validation and Testing Develop meaningful and practical methods for assessing the safety of automated driving systems. International or at least regional harmonization of testing guidelines. Industry Establishing an industry-agreed high bar of performance without hampering innovation. Accomplishing SAE level 4 operations in the real world.

16 Key Issues for Next Three Years— View from 2016
Technology The great potential of deep learning / artificial intelligence for connected automation. How communications and particularly 5G can enable previously unprecedented data exchanges how to deal with the promises of 5G for Connected Automation, when it is not there yet? Standardization Identify what needs to be standardized and creating standards. Road Operations / Infrastructure Motivating government agencies to create and share key operational data real-time (traffic signals, roadworks, other). Improve traffic prediction Benefits Demonstrating a real-world benefit of truck platooning to freight operators Societal Labor issues re automated taxi’s and trucks to ensure public acceptability.

17 2017— Key Issues for the Next Three Years
Public how to involve public in discussing on what we want from road automation and which direction it should take if everything is connected to each other what are macro-effects? total control by government or industries, vulnerability to attack or disaster, perfect convenience… Making progress in the broad availability of AEB with hard supporting data from consumer adoption Industry Significant shifts in business models for all traditional transportations companies. Automotive OEM’s, trucking, shuttle service, etc. Regulation How can we be sure that automated systems are robust enough to function on the open roads? Transforming regulation from compliance based (that prevents accidents from the past) to performance based to accommodate rules for traffic behavior better? (culture change in Europe!) Legislation adaptation (towards harmonization) worldwide  Ensuring safety of new products

18 2017— Key Issues for the Next Three Years
Infrastructure plans to make the infrastructure ready for AVs Technology Where is AI heading and how it certifies as functional safety in automotive Validation (especially of AI parts in the SW) Interpretation of the situation and interaction with other traffic participants Seamless integration of connectivity technologies (5G, LTE-V, ITS G5) respecting the needs of automated drive high def mapping Testing Cross-border testing / interoperability issues Validation and testing of AVs. What is the right methodology? What are relevant scenarios? Some/more  real-world actual operational experience with Driverless (both low speed, "gated communities" and higher speed (<~60mph) broader areas)

19 Discussion

20 How Can Road Operators Facilitate / Accelerate Deployment of AVS to Address Transportation Goals?

21 Harnessing AV for Traffic Operations
However, AV services focus on benefitting individuals…not the aggregate traffic. How to harness CAV to reduce congestion? Highest Priority: Data, Data, Data!

22 Road Operators Role for AVS— Digital Infrastructure
Traffic signals – high quality signal phase and timing data shared to a cloud portal ideally available with low time latency Dynamic data internal to road agency but not yet shared into the cloud Data Gaps – where the road agency does not have data regarding road operations, make the investment to create that data Road works– devise methods to collect and provide high quality data about road configuration, special markings etc. contract terms on road contractors to generate data?

23 Dynamic Speed Harmonization
Traffic management center detailed data on geo-coded vehicle speeds per lane predictive simulation generates frequent geo-coded speed increment/decrements Mile marker 98: 54 mph Mile marker 99: 56 mph etc. Vehicles receive and implement speed advice automatically voluntary: speed responsiveness must be enabled by user

24 Discussion

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