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Thermal Energy Transfer F.Q.: How does heat move from place to place…

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Presentation on theme: "Thermal Energy Transfer F.Q.: How does heat move from place to place…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Thermal Energy Transfer F.Q.: How does heat move from place to place…

2 Thermal Energy moves from hot to cold in three ways
Conduction Convection Radiation

3 Heat flow depends on the temperature difference
Heat flows from… Warmer temps to colder temps..until…. Equilibrium is reached…except in humans thankfully…

4 Touch the following items… record the list and note how cool each feels.
1. Desk top 2. Leg of desk 3. Plastic on chair 4. Science notebook 5. Glass beaker Order the items coldest to warmest…

5 Thinking question…why do some materials feel colder than others?
Share your ideas with your table partner… Watch this….

6 Write the first sentence for a decent definition…
Hey…what’s wrong with the arrows in this picture?

7 Thinking questions…. Which would be easier to conduct heat through, solids or gasses…why? Why do people get colder easier when they have wet clothes on? With your whip around group, discuss what you think would be clear explanations for these questions…

8 Watch this… Can you think of why the blue dye sank and the red dye rose? Think about our investigations from last week with the smoke and convection tubes…

9 Convection Movement of two masses based on density – hot = less dense; cold=more dense Unique to fluids (liquid and gas) Cold particles sink and begin to warm; warm particles are pushed up and begins to cool… Watch this…

10 Do the following test at your stations…
Turn the light on Hold you hand about 6-10 cm away from the light… what you feel? Place a piece of construction paper between you and your hand… what do you feel?

11 Radiation Radiation is the transfer of energy through air and space by waves No particle contact needed, no particles needed for transfer All substances radiate nrg (unless they are at absolute zero…) Infrared wavelengths invisible to the human eye Objects glow different colors at different temperatures

12 Remember, it is not just the sun that radiates energy – all masses radiate energy, even you.
Watch this…

13 Draw this example & label all three

14 Heat Transfer Challenge
Think of ways people make popcorn…can you think of three ways that people make popcorn that are examples of each type of heat transfer ? Conduction by Convection by Radiation by Brainstorm ideas in your whip around groups

15 Heat Transfer Challenge

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