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Presentation on theme: "Crusades."— Presentation transcript:

1 Crusades

2 Reading Task Groups of 3 Complete reading Prepare a 1-minute presentation for the people in your group.

3 Use Reading to Identify Points
Fight to preserve empire Peak of empire Decline of empire

4 Create your own task Fight to preserve empire Peak of empire Decline of empire

5 1920s Movies Asa Yoelson

6 Introduction of Sound in Movies

7 Film Technology Movies were silent during the 1920s because sound and lip synchronization was not possible. Text was used to tell the story of movies. The 1927 Jazz Singer became a “talkie” (use of voice) style film that would become a new standard. However, many traditionalists rejected the idea of using voice feeling that talkies were not art. For example, Charlie Chaplin’s Modern Times was the actor’s first “talkie.” For the first time fans of Chaplin heard their favorite actor speak. And what did he say?

Why would he? “Talkies” were not art according to silent movie traditionalists. Yet Chaplin had to adapt to the times. His 1931 film City Lights was not the “talkie” challenge success Chaplin hoped for but Modern Times of 1936 proved that Chaplin did not need to utilize his voice to make art and to make his audience laugh.


10 Salidin : Politicsl and military leader of Musliims known for winning the Battle of Hattin in 1187 which allowed Muslims to reclaim Jerusalem until the Third Crusade was implemented to take Jerusalem back from Muslim hands which was Salidin’s accomplishment

11 Jerusalem is considered holy to the three major Abrahamic religions—Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
Begin at 346

12 Reading Task Groups of 3 Complete reading Prepare a 1-minute presentation for the people in your group.

13 Clips on the Crusades Video Documentary
Why 9/11 Occurred on September 11 by Andrew Stunich Summary on Crusades Obama and the Crusaders BY ADAM GOPNIK


15 Complete Survey 1-5

16 Closing Points/Questions
What role has history played in 911? Link survey to Crusades

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