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From: How the global layout of the mask influences masking strength

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1 From: How the global layout of the mask influences masking strength
Journal of Vision. 2012;12(13):9. doi: / Figure Legend: Mean thresholds for Experiment 2. (A) Single and multiple double luminance conditions replotted from Figure 3B. (NOTE: the range of the y-axis is different for A compared to B–D). (B) In the 54 cd/m2 condition, all thresholds were similar to the ones in the standard (std) condition and much smaller than in the other luminance conditions. (C) In the single 27 cd/m2 luminance conditions, thresholds decrease as the dimmer lines are shifted away from the center. In the multiple conditions, adding more pairs of dimmer lines also decreases thresholds. These results are similar to the length condition in Figure 3A and indicate that the position of the outermost dimmer lines determines masking strength, rather than the p1 elements. (D) In the gap (0 cd/m2) conditions, thresholds for single gaps change nonmonotonically with the position of the gap for both the single and the multiple conditions. This pattern of results indicates a greater influence of the p1 elements. The nonmonotonic pattern for the single condition is qualitatively similar to the temporal delay based masks in Experiment 1. Interestingly, for all luminance based masks, the thresholds for the multiple condition were higher than the single condition both for brighter and dimmer irregularities. Date of download: 11/12/2017 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Copyright © All rights reserved.

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