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Meet the Ancient Greeks Topic Work

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1 Meet the Ancient Greeks Topic Work
Literacy (We will be following the Primary Framework for literacy). To include: Traditional stories: fables, myths and legends. Writing a myth in the style of a Greek myth. Devising a hero/ mythical creature/ story plot. Writing from a viewpoint Expressing points of view , giving reasons for them, whilst writing as an Athenian and Spartan boy and their mothers. Science Reversible and irreversible changes. Year 5 Curriculum Map P.E. Athletics/Kwik Cricket. R.E. Theme: Beliefs and Practices Religion: Christianity Key question for this enquiry: What is the best way for a Christian to show commitment to God? Term Meet the Ancient Greeks Topic Work To include geography, history, music, D&T and art. Ancient Greece Sparta and Athens Greek Myths and Legends DT Designing and making bird feeders from recycled materials for the Longford Castle countryside day Mathematics (We will be following the Primary framework for mathematics). Maths will be taught in sets. Counting, partitioning and calculating. Securing number facts and understanding shape. Handling data and measures. Calculating, measuring and understanding shape. Securing number facts, relationships and calculating. Music What is meant by the term lyrics and how they can reflect the place and time  in which they were written Special Events June 11th Visit to Trafalgar Fish Farm 14th June Orienteering league 27th June Longford Castle countryside day 5th July Visit to The Moot for Greek drama July 1st-5th Greek activity week PSHE Changes Unit of work from the SEAL package Body changes talk with school nurse. ICT Control giving directions to a screen turtle. Programming the turtle to make specific shapes and patterns

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