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The land down under.

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Presentation on theme: "The land down under."— Presentation transcript:

1 The land down under

2 China ustralia

3 Look at the map of a world
Where is the Australia?Can you describe it ? Northern Territory Queen-sland Do you know the four oceans and seven continents in the world ? NewSouthWales Western Australia South Australia Australia capital territory Victoria

4 Resemble transform diverse govern strengthen
1 Tom has many …… interests. 2 We have a queen ,but it is the Prime and Minister who ……. 3 She …..her sister in appearance but not in character. 4 The wind …..during the night. 5 A steam engine …..heat into power.

5 Let’s discuss what makes up it .
Western Australia South Australia Queensland New South Wales Victoria Tasmania Australian Capital Territory Northern Territory Brisban Darwin Carins Important cities : Canberra Sydney Melbourne


7 The small tree kangaroo lives in northeastern Queensland
The small tree kangaroo lives in northeastern Queensland. Its sharp, curved claws help in climbing trees.

8 The duck-billed(扁喙的) platypus(鸭嘴兽), or water mole, is an egg-laying mammal(哺乳动物).

9 Koala bear

10 Let’s discuss the activities in Australia
How many activities are there in Australia? Which do you like best? Why? . discuss

11 Discuss the places in Australia which you want to go to and reasons

12 The Opera House in Sydney,with the famous
Harbour Bridge,floodlit behind

13 A section of the Great Barrier Reef
off the coast of Queensland

14 Description Eg: the scenery is beyond description.
Focus Description Eg: the scenery is beyond description. Imagine Eg: can you imagine life without electricity? Can you imagine him /his becoming famous as an actor ? What he has in mind is beyond imagination.

15 Eg: he was warned of the danger.
Warn / warn sb of 警告某人注意…=warn sb not to do sth / warn that clause/ warn sb sth/ warn sb against sth/ doing sth 警告某人不要做谋事 Eg: he was warned of the danger. The doctor warned the patient against smoking.

16 Read the text carefully and search for more information about the beautiful country. Let’s begin

17 T: What will we learn about Australia?
Fast -reading T: What will we learn about Australia? area, native animals, capital, flag, population, people, founding, weather, language, sports T: Give the general idea of each paragraph

18 Answer the questions 1 What do the symbols on the Australian flag represent ? 2 Who were the first people to arrive in Australia ? 3 Why were prisoners sent to Australia after 1788 ? Where were they from ? 4 What happened to the original Australians when the European newcomers arrived?

19 5 What was the problem with Australian Constitution ?
6 How did the two world Wars change Australia ? 7 How does Australian English differ from British English ?

20 Step 5 Further reading According to the text, finish the reading comprehension on the text

21 Thank you Goodbye

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