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Population: Canada and the World

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Presentation on theme: "Population: Canada and the World"— Presentation transcript:

1 Population: Canada and the World

2 Population Change Equation
Births – deaths + immigrants – emigrants = increase or decrease in population

3 Population Pyramid Graph – age and sex structure of a population
“cohorts” – intervals of 5 years

4 4 Pyramid Models Early Expanding – high birth rate, high death rate, low life expectancy

5 2) Expanding – high birth rate, lower death rate, higher life expectancy

6 3) Stable – generally, the number of youth equals the number of older people

7 4) Contracting – larger numbers of older people than younger (greying population

8 An animated pyramid of Canada

9 China’s Population Pyramid

10 Animated China Pyramid

11 Population Distribution

12 The numbers are not good...
35% of the world’s land = not good for settlement Over 50% of world’s pop. lives on only 5% of the land 90 % live on 20 % of the land 2/3rds of people live within 500 km of the ocean

13 Population Density

14 If the world had only 100 people...

15 Physical factors affecting population density

16 Landscape

17 Resources

18 Soils

19 Vegetation

20 Water

21 accessibility

22 Can you think of 5 HUMAN factors affecting population density?
Govt. Policies Disease Development Culture Communication

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