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. . . to the Ballenas Learning Community

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1 . . . to the Ballenas Learning Community
Nuwilum, Bienvenue, Welcome to the Ballenas Learning Community Welcome. Thank you for participating in your child’s education. My name is Rudy Terpstra, the principal and I am joined by Vice Principals Kevin McKee and Jane Reynolds.

2 . . . where students, staff, parents and community learn together.
A Community of Learners where students, staff, parents and community learn together. Welcome. Thank you for participating in your child’s education. My name is Rudy Terpstra, the principal and I am joined by Vice Principals Kevin McKee and Jane Reynolds.

3 Where students are connected to teachers through LINK

4 Where LINK: . . . connects our students, in a meaningful, structured way, to at least one adult because this improves student success.

5 Where LINK: . . . will increase student success, graduation and transition to postsecondary.

6 Where LINK: . . . will help students discover their passion or spark.

7 Where LINK . . . develops resilient, active and flourishing students by promoting Social Emotional Learning (SEL).

8 Using “The Circle of Courage”

9 Building a Learning Community with Flexible Learning Wednesdays
Building a Learning Community with Flexible Learning Wednesdays. Supported Learning.

10 Clubs, Improv, Shops, Library, Cooperative Games, Digital Media. . .

11 Robotics and Electronics

12 Gym and Outdoor Activities


14 . . . so self-regulated learners can make choices about their learning.

15 . . . so staff can collaborate through inquiry.

16 Get Involved Building a Community of Learners

17 . . . building a Learning Community
LINK, FLEX, Collaboration building a Learning Community Welcome. Thank you for participating in your child’s education. My name is Rudy Terpstra, the principal and I am joined by Vice Principals Kevin McKee and Jane Reynolds.

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