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for children and parents

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1 for children and parents
VHPS Book Day 2017! Sunday 26th February Key Information for children and parents

2 Connell, 2 Blue

3 Fancy Dress! This VHPS Book Day, we want all children to dress up as their favourite character from a book or comic. Some ideas are below! We will have some awards and house points for the most amazing costumes!

4 Book Donation! In partnership with the Emirates Council for Books, we are planning to hold a mass book donation! Many children are not as fortunate as children here at Victory Heights, and do not have access to books. Our book donation sends books to these children! We only ask 3 things of the books that children donate: 1.) That they have parental permission. 2.) That the books are in good condition. 3.) Only story books can be accepted – no non-fiction please! We are aiming to reach at least 350 books, and a special display will be created around Reception for books to be dropped. The student council will be running this scheme, and will provide more information in due course.

5 VHPS Book of Letters! We are also planning to get our very own books published, containing the children’s writing! FS – Letter to my mummy or daddy! KS1 – Letter to a character from a book! KS2 – Letter to my future self! This will take place in the morning of Book Day, but you can start thinking about what you might write now!

6 Community Reading! Later in the morning of Book Day, children across the school will be reading to one another! Year 6 reading to FS1 children Year 5 reading to FS2 children Year 4 reading to Year 1 children Year 3 and Year 2 group reading Stacey Sudlow, our author mum extraordinaire, will also be around to read to FS2 children!

7 ‘Big Book Off’ Challenge!
In the afternoon, Key Stage 1 and 2 children will be taking part in a House Event called the ‘Big Book Off’ challenge. This is made up of a number of creative reading and writing tasks. Children will be able to win points for their houses!

8 Costume Awards (2 assemblies)
Programme of Events Time Event Who? Early AM Costume Awards (2 assemblies) KS1 and KS2 FS Book of Letters ALL Late AM Community Reading PM ‘Big Book Off’

9 Lily, 1 Yellow

10 Preparing for Book Day Find yourself a costume.
Think about what you might want to write in your letter (see your topic). Find a book that you wish to donate. Ask permission first! READ, READ, READ!

11 Klara, 3 Green

12 Other Events Coming Soon…
We have already started our ‘Everybody Reads’ initiative, which runs on a Thursday from 2pm until 2.15pm; All of February – ‘I love to read’ competition – Record yourself reading on Jigsaw for House Points! 23rd Feb - John Felton, a published author, is coming to read his new book to KS1 children; 9th March - Year 4 visit author Abbie Elphinstone at the Emirates Festival of Literature; Beginning of April – VHPS host Magrudy’s book fair. Click here to watch our video for ‘Everybody Reads.’

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