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Tools of an Inclusive Classroom

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1 Tools of an Inclusive Classroom
Christy Simonian Bean and Amanda M. Jungels Assistant Directors, Faculty Programs and Services

2 Inclusive Learning and Teaching
"Inclusive learning and teaching in higher education refers to the ways in which pedagogy, curricula and assessment are designed to engage students in learning that is meaningful, relevant, and accessible to all.” Hockings, C. Inclusive learning and teaching in higher education: A synthesis of research. York: Higher Education Academy, 2010.

3 Creating an Inclusive Classroom
“...we must recognize that students are not only intellectual but also social and emotional beings, and that these dimensions interact within the classroom climate to influence learning and performance.” Ambrose, Susan A., et al. How learning works: Seven research-based principles for smart teaching. John Wiley & Sons, 2010.

4 Course Climate Implicitly Explicitly Marginalizing Centralizing
Excludes certain groups of people, but in subtle and indirect ways Overtly hostile, discriminatory, or unwelcoming Centralizing Validates alternative perspectives and experiences, but in unplanned ways Intentionally and overtly incorporates marginalized perspectives into course design DeSurra, Christopher J., and Kimberley A. Church. "Unlocking the Classroom Closet: Privileging the Marginalized Voices of Gay/Lesbian College Students." 1994.

5 Case Studies Please read your assigned case study and discuss in small groups: How would you have responded in the moment? How could you have designed your course differently to prevent this issue? Debrief together as a large group.

6 Strategies for Implementation
Principle 1: Establish and support a class climate that fosters belonging for all students. Build instructor-student and student-student rapport. Treat each student as an individual. Address challenging classroom moments head-on.

7 Strategies for Implementation
Principle 3: Select course content that recognizes diversity and/or acknowledges barriers to inclusion. Select content that engages a diversity of ideas and perspectives. Select content by authors of diverse backgrounds. Use multiple and diverse examples that do not marginalize students.

8 Tools of an Inclusive Classroom
Christy Simonian Bean and Amanda M. Jungels Assistant Directors, Faculty Programs and Services Need further assistance? Schedule a consultation! Contact the CTL.

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