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International Consulting

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1 International Consulting
Why Do It

2 Professor Emeritus University of New Mexico
Warren Heffron M.D. Professor Emeritus University of New Mexico

3 Goal Develop a framework, or rationale for justification for international consulting.

4 Why? Is it like climbing the mountain? Because it is there.
We have enough doctors in the US now. We can / should have something to share with the rest of the world. Aristotle: The Quality of life is determined by its activities.

5 Why? Standing on the street in Kabul. Why am I here? Utter desolation,
My wife doesn’t want me here My government doesn’t want me here Afghan government probably doesn’t It looks like there isn’t a reason to be here

6 Reasons INCREDIBLE NEEDS Med Ed interrupted, Russian war
Taliban-schools closed Almost no women physicians Husbands don’t let women go to male Drs. Women get almost no health care Consult with the first residency program in the country

7 Why? Self serving reasons Looks good on your CV Become well known
Become rich Pride Travel Promote my agenda vs meeting needs Dr. expat

8 Why? There are rewards Financial Publishing Personal satisfaction

9 Why? Altruism Love doing it (passion )
Believe in: making the world better…spread the family medicine movement…contribute to international medical education A spiritual calling

10 Why? Some of your “why’s”

11 Why:? Breadth of Interests Carroll Behrhorst. Chimaltenango
Social and economic injustice Land tenure Agricultural production and marketing Population control Malnutrition Health training, workers and populations Curative medicine

12 Why? Varied Needs Undergraduate education, students
Postgraduate education, residents Curriculum Faculty development Administrative skills Hospital management National healthcare planning

13 Why? UNESCO Education Priorities For
Health promotion Gender equality. Cultural diversity, poverty Environmental stewardship Rural development Peace and human security Sustainable urbanization Sustainable consumption

14 Why? You have Needed Skills
Patient care Medical education Research Political empowerment agent International work / travel experience Cultural, linguistic awareness, abilities

15 Why? Part of a Movement Student, resident interest at all time high
Family physicians involved in global activities Global insufficiency of family doctors Inadequate support for international activities We now have adequate numbers of doctors so we can share with the world

16 Why? There Are Needs Rwanda Egypt Ecuador India Kenya Nigeria China
Albania Kosovo Afghanistan Iraq Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan The World

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