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Seafloor Siphons or What’s Going on in the Basement?!

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Presentation on theme: "Seafloor Siphons or What’s Going on in the Basement?!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Seafloor Siphons or What’s Going on in the Basement?!

2 Water Cycle Students: On your own paper, draw a diagram of the water cycle and label the parts Students will draw on their own paper, then have a group discuss

3 The basic water cycle flow encompasses all land processes and the groundwater flow. The often neglected portion is through the basement of the seafloor and until recently rarely understood.

4 Groundwater Terms Porosity – amount of open space within a rock unit
Permeability – how interconnected the open space within a rock is; ability of water to flow through a material. Background terminology Aquifer – high porosity and permeable geologic material through which fluid can easily flow.

5 Explain the ability of water to flow from the recharge zones to discharge zones because this information will be used in Part 3 of the activity to conduct graphing exercise

6 Plate Tectonic Review

7 Plate Boundary Terms Divergent Boundaries – two plates moving apart – new crust being formed (ex – mid ocean ridges) Convergent Boundaries – two plates colliding results in either subduction zones or mountain formation Transform Boundaries – two plates sliding past each other

8 Major Tectonic Plates of the world

9 Optional Video Resource
National Geographic Education – Plate Tectonics with Bob Ballard (5:47min)

10 Global Heat Flow Diagram
STUDENTS will make observations, write down observations and hypotheses to describe the flow Partner with 3-4 students and discuss their ideas Share with classmates

11 Pollack, H. N. , Hurter, S. J. , and Johnson, J. R
Pollack, H.N., Hurter, S.J., and Johnson, J.R., Heat flow from the earth's interior: analysis of the global data set, Reviews of Geophysics 31(3), , 1993. An additional resource slide for reference of how this model was created – Actual data points taken from heat flow sites on top figure and modeled to create the heat flow figure below

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