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Consequences of Teenage Pregnancy

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1 Consequences of Teenage Pregnancy

2 Education and Income Risks
Teen births associated with lower incomes. 80% of teen mothers are on welfare Teenage pregnancy is associated with higher drop out rates Two-thirds of teenage mothers drop out of school The annual cost associated with teen pregnancy in the United States is close to 7 billion dollars. This includes public assistance (welfare, food stamps), child health care, and lost tax revenues

3 Education and Income Risks cont.
Video on the risks of teen pregnancy

4 Mental Health Risks Depression is common among pregnant teens
Anger, guilt and denial are common if pregnancy is perceived as a crisis Feelings of anxiety and fear may increase in teenage parents

5 Social Risks Due to high dropout rate pregnant teens risk peer isolation Increased exposure to domestic abuse and violence is associated with teen pregnancy

6 Health Risk to Teen Mothers
Pre term delivery Caused by Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (PIH) Anemia Low weight gain From a teenagers perspective, low weight gain is a positive in reality, it increases the risk of having a low birth-weight baby

7 Health Risks to Child Many young mothers have low birth weight babies
Low birth rate in babies lead to underdeveloped organs such as: lungs, vision problems, and serious intestinal problems Teenage mothers tend to have poor eating habits and are less likely to take prenatal vitamins Lack of prenatal care

8 Tips for preventing teen pregnancy

9 References Berk, L. (2012). Infants, children, and adolescents (7th ed.). Boston: Pearson /Allyn & Bacon.

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