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Visualizing and Understanding Neural Models in NLP

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Presentation on theme: "Visualizing and Understanding Neural Models in NLP"— Presentation transcript:

1 Visualizing and Understanding Neural Models in NLP
Jiwei Li, Xinlei Chen, Eduard Hovy and Dan Jurafsky Presentation by Rohit Gupta Roll No

2 Motivation Vector-based models produced by applying neural networks to natural language are very difficult to interpret

3 Dataset used Stanford Sentiment Treebank dataset
sentiment labels for every parse tree constituent, from sentences to to individual words, for 11,855 sentences

4 Models studied Standard recurrent sequence models with TANH activation functions LSTMs: Long Short Term Memory Bidirectional LSTMs

5 Visualizations Compositionality
Negation Intensification Concessive Salience (contribution of unit to the final composed meaning) Gradient back-propagation The variance of a token from the average word node LSTM-style gates that measure information flow

6 Local compositionality

7 t-SNE visualization on representations for negation

8 Concessive clause composition

9 Salience Method 1: First derivatives

10 Salience method 2: Variance of word from sentence mean

11 Salience method 3: Gate models

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