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APIS New Austrian Prosopographical Information System

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1 APIS New Austrian Prosopographical Information System
Mapping Historical Networks Goals Create a digital environment allowing for new modes of access to the data to foster empirical research in a range of SSH disciplines Extract information from free text into structured format Link with external resources (Linked Open Data) Investigate migration patterns and elite networks on the base of the structured data Partners Institute for Modern and Contemporary Historical Research (INZ), Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities (ACDH) Institute for Urban and Regional Research (ISR) a number of external partners Data Austrian Biographical Dictionary (ÖBL) biographies of important historical figures of Austro-Hungarian monarchy and the First and Second Republics (of Austria) 1 majority of information in unstructured free text Sample biography in XML: Data model 5 main entities: person, place, institution, event, work All interlinked with typed, timed relations Mentions in text linked to entities Entities enriched with external URIs Approach Hybrid extraction workflow: automatic processing by multiple tools linking to external semantic reference resources (e.g. GND, GeoNames, DBpedia). manual post-processing curation feedback manual input to automatic process Web interface for manual tagging & disambiguation: Outlook: visualizing migration Financed by „Digital Humanities: Langzeitprojekte zum kulturellen Erbe“ 1 Poster creators:

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