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MOC Poll Results Fall 2017.

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1 MOC Poll Results Fall 2017

2 MOC Poll Response Selection Criteria and Methods
Included all 12,739 active and retired ABD-certified Academy Fellow and Life members Respondents 2,662 polls were completed and submitted by September 11, 2017 Response rate = 21%* * Slightly greater response rate as MSDO all-member poll

3 Are you actively pursuing any Maintenance of Certification (MOC) requirements?
74% of the respondents are required to participate in MOC (compared with 64% of the population of ABD board-certified members) Pursuit of MOC Requirements* All Respondents MOC Required? Yes No n % 1884 70.8% 1812 91.7% 72 10.5% No-Does not apply 565 21.2% 7 0.4% 558 81.5% Not Yet 211 8.0% 157 7.9% 54 No Response 2 0.1% 1 Total 2662 100.0% 1977 685 % of All Respondents 74.3% 25.7%

4 Do you support a process that evaluates ongoing professional competence to maintain your dermatology board certification? 72% of those who have to participate in MOC support a process that evaluates professional competence to maintain board certification. Q2. Do you support a process that evaluates ongoing professional competence to maintain your derm board certification? All Respondents MOC required MOC not required and actively pursuing and not pursuing N % n Yes 1684 63.3% 1305 72.0% 231 37.7% No 957 36.0% 501 27.6% 367 60.0% NR 21 0.8% 6 0.3% 14 2.3% Total 2662 100.0% 1812 612

5 Do you support MOC as currently configured to demonstrate ongoing professional competence?
79% of those who support a process did not support MOC as currently configured: Q3. Do you support MOC as currently configured to demonstrate ongoing professional competence? All Respondents MOC required MOC not required and actively pursuing and not pursuing n % Yes 212 12.6% 157 12.0% 37 16.0% No 1335 79.3% 1074 82.3% 148 64.1% No Opinion 97 5.8% 50 3.8% NR 40 2.4% 24 1.8% 9 3.9% Total 1684 100.0% 1305 231

6 Should the ABD/ABMS require the following to demonstrate ongoing competence throughout your professional life? Overwhelmingly, respondents who support a process agreed that ABD/ABMS should require a demonstration of professional competence via annual proof of licensure and CME self-assessment: Q4. Should the ABD/ABMS require the following to demonstrate ongoing competence throughout your professional life? All Respondents MOC required MOC not required and actively pursuing and not pursuing n % Annual proof of licensure 1578 93.7% 1245 95.4% 198 85.7% Ongoing CME self-assessment 1561 92.7% 1215 93.1% 210 90.9% Closed book exam every 10 years 378 22.4% 307 23.5% 37 16.0% Practice assessment/performance improvement 286 17.0% 194 14.9% 65 28.1% All 1684 1305 231

7 The ABD/ABMS board certification should be…
Half of respondents who are required to participate in MOC said certification should be time-limited with CME only. Those not required to participate in MOC favored once in a lifetime milestone, followed by CME:

8 To what extent do you agree with the following statements?
Overall, respondents agreed with most statements except “participation in MOC as currently configured improves patient care” and were split on “periodic recertification validates continued professional credibility”:

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