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Concept: who were the twelve apostles?

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1 Concept: who were the twelve apostles?
Chapter 10 ~ Lesson 1 Concept: who were the twelve apostles?

2 Chapter 10 ~ lesson 1 Mission: comes from Latin meaning “to send”
An act of service that someone is sent to carry out in spreading the faith or in helping others

3 Chapter 10 ~ lesson 1 Define Sabbath and Apostles. List the twelve (12) apostles.

4 Chapter 10 ~ lesson 1 Jesus Heals and Forgives –
In Jesus’ ministry, he made the mute speak, the lame walk, the deformed whole again, and the blind to see. Jesus rid the unclean spirits from a boy, who was possessed by the devil. Jesus Shows God’s Power and Love Jesus calmed the winds and the sea. His disciples witnessed all these miracles, yet they saw that Jesus was fully human.

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