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Plate Tectonics Unit Student Teaching 2013 Alison Zavertnik.

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1 Plate Tectonics Unit Student Teaching 2013 Alison Zavertnik

2 SOL’s Covered ES.1 The student will plan and conduct investigations in which volume, area, mass, elapsed time, direction, temperature, pressure, distance, density, and changes in elevation/depth are calculated utilizing the most appropriate tools; a. Technologies, including computers, probeware, and geospatial technologies, are used to collect, analyze, and report data and to demonstrate concepts and simulate experimental conditions; b. scales, diagrams, charts, graphs, tables, imagery, models, and profiles are constructed and interpreted; c. maps and globes are read and interpreted, including location by latitude and longitude; d. variables are manipulated with repeated trials; and e. current applications are used to reinforce Earth science concepts. ES.2 The student will demonstrate an understanding of the nature of science and scientific reasoning and logic. Key concepts include a. science explains and predicts the interactions and dynamics of complex Earth systems; b. evidence is required to evaluate hypotheses and explanations; c. observation and logic are essential for reaching a conclusion; and d evidence is evaluated for scientific theories.

3 SOL’s Covered ES.7 The student will investigate and understand geologic processes including plate tectonics. Key concepts include a. geologic processes and their resulting features; and b. tectonic processes. ES.10 The student will investigate and understand that oceans are complex, interactive physical, chemical, and biological systems and are subject to long- and short-term variations. Key concepts include c. features of the sea floor as reflections of tectonic processes; and

4 Lessons One and Two: Structure of the Earth & Plate Tectonics
Engage: Discussion about Pangaea and video of movement Explore: Alfred Wegener’s Puzzling Evidence Explain: Notes & videos Elaborate: Discussion about magnetic reversal Engage: KWL Chart Explore: Internal Structure Explain: Notes/diagrams Elaborate: Plate Tectonics Song, definitions

5 Slot Notes

6 Assessment Lesson One Evaluate: Participation, Definitions, Puzzle
NSTA1a,b: Content NSTA6a: Curriculum Lesson Two NSTA 1a,b: Content NSTA 2c: Nature of Science NSTA 3b: Inquiry NSTA 4b: Issues NSTA 6a: Curriculum NSTA 8a,b: Assessment Evaluate: Participation, Definitions, Puzzle

7 Lesson Three: Plate Boundaries
5-E Learning Model NSTA Standards Engage: Review Quiz Explore & Explain: Graham Cracker Lab Elaborate: Plate Boundary Drawings NSTA 3b: Inquiry NSTA 4b: Issues NSTA 6a: Curriculum NSTA 8a,b: Assessment

8 Instructions

9 Assessment Evaluate: Participation Activity Sheet Boundary Drawings

10 Lesson Four: Faults 5-E Learning Model NSTA Standards
Engage: Large blocks & pictures Explore & Explain: Faults Lab Elaborate: Concept Map NSTA 1a,b: Content NSTA 4b: Issues NSTA 6a: Curriculum NSTA 8a,b: Assessment

11 Materials

12 Assessment Evaluate: Participation Diagrams Activity sheet Concept map

13 Concept Map Review

14 Lesson Five: Review Day!
5-E Learning Model NSTA Standards Engage: Concept Map Explore & Explain: “Fate” Game Elaborate: look over notes & ask questions Evaluate: participation NSTA 1a: Content NSTA 6a,b: Curriculum

15 Slot Notes

16 Lesson Six: Earthquakes
5-E Learning Model NSTA Standards Engage: Short videos Explore: Activity Sheet Explain: Notes Elaborate: Computer Lab Activity Evaluate: Epicenter Sheet Computer Lab Activity NSTA 1a,b: Content NSTA 4b: Issues NSTA 6a: Curriculum NSTA 8a,b: Assessment

17 Earthquake Student Work

18 Lesson Seven: Volcanoes
5-E Learning Model NSTA Standards Engage: Silica Lab Explore: Igneous Rock Identification Explain: Notes Elaborate: Review Sheet NSTA 1a,b: Content NSTA 2c: Nature of Science NSTA 3b: Inquiry NSTA 4b: Issues NSTA 6a: Curriculum NSTA 8a,b: Assessment ES.5 The student will investigate and understand the rock cycle as it relates to the origin and transformation of rock types and how to identify common rock types based on mineral composition and textures. Key concepts include a. igneous rocks;

19 Silica Lab

20 Igneous Rock Lab

21 Assessment Evaluate: Silica Lab Igneous Rock Identification
Review Sheet “Quest”

22 Lesson Eight: Virginia Physiographic Provinces
5-E Learning Model NSTA Standards Engage: Discussion Explore: Group Project Explain: Presentations Elaborate: Activity Sheet NSTA 1a: Content NSTA 3b: Inquiry NSTA 6a: Curriculum NSTA 8a,b: Assessment ES.6 The student will investigate and understand the differences between renewable and nonrenewable resources. Key concepts include c. resources found in Virginia

23 Assessment

24 Virginia Provinces Student Work

25 Response Papers Applied Response General Response
“When Ms. Z started teaching the class I learned more about volcanoes. And there was different types of volcanoes, and I did not know that it needed a hot spot to shoot out lava, And that it rolls down the side and when it hardens it makes the volcano bigger or wider. The Hawaiian Islands are formed by a shield volcano plume a hot spot under the plate. And as the plate moves it makes new island volcanoes. As the plate moves the volcanoes are no longer activity.” - Applied ES Student “While Ms. Z was teaching I learned a lot about earthquakes. I learned that it’s a sudden release of energy and that there are three types of waves associated with them. I also learned that the Richter Scale measures the magnitude of the earthquake. I also learned that you need at least three recordings of the P and S waves to find the epicenter of the earthquake. I also learned that earthquakes that occur in the ocean can cause lots of damage. For example tsunamis, like the one in Japan, are caused by earthquakes.” - General ES Student

26 Student Survey 1. What topic(s) did you enjoy learning the most while Ms. Zavertnik has been student teaching? Most simply wrote plate tectonics; volcanoes and earthquakes were the next most popular response. 2. What activities, resources, homework, etc. was the most useful to your studies and comprehension of the material taught? Hands-on labs were overwhelmingly what the students found to be most useful followed by notes, review and then songs. 3. What was your favorite laboratory activity performed in class? Why? The Plate Tectonics graham cracker lab was by far the most popular followed by the igneous rock identification lab. 4 What topic(s) do you wish were covered in more detail? Many simply wrote none however volcanoes and earthquakes were also frequent responses.

27 Student Survey Continued
5. What topic(s) do you think were covered in too much detail? The majority of students wrote none. 6. The pace of the class was (too fast, too slow, just right) and the information was given in a sequence that (made sense, was out of order). 61 % just right and 31% too fast; 96% made sense 7. Did you feel that a variety of resources, such as technology, demonstrations and videos, were used appropriately to present information in a variety of ways? Explain Yes; labs, songs, videos, computer lab, notes 8. Were the assignments and lab activities given meaningful and supportive of furthering your understanding of a topic? Majority of students said yes the labs and reviews helped the most

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