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Standing in for Gaynor Quilter (CEO) Apex Works

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1 Standing in for Gaynor Quilter (CEO) Apex Works
Moddessir Jafri Standing in for Gaynor Quilter (CEO) Apex Works A charity that has supported vulnerable and marginalised people for the last 33 years 1

2 Opportunities to do more
Apex has chosen to work with GMB because we share values to help young people. We believe developing workforce from bottom up is the key to improve their chances for better pay, terms and conditions at work and become grounded in the principles of work through personalised support, learning and jobs. Their own behaviour, attitude and determination will give them the power to influence their employers attitude to engage with young employees.

3 The issues faced by young people
Discipline and dismissal Health and Safety Discrimination at work Rights and responsibilities at work Types of support and assistance available in the workplace Course content and format Cost and finances Behaviour attendance and attitude Accessibility and availability Lack of support and direction In employment without training The list is endless Young people are motivated by a range of factors to engage in learning, but can face a wide array of barriers, both practical and attitudinal, to taking part. In particular, the role of education and training as a pathway to securing appropriate employment and gaining financial independence is a significant motivating factor for many young people but riddles with many barriers. While some young people have very specific aspirations for the future and are able to recognise the role of learning in supporting these, the aspirations of those furthest away from learning tend to be more vague. Good quality, support, learning and pre-job information, advice and guidance is essential in supporting young people to identify and access appropriate education and training. Many young people who are not in education, employment or training have had poor previous experiences of education. They will need to be convinced of the relevance and benefit of learning to their lives, if they are to be encouraged to engage in learning in the future. To gain employment is a major motivation to learn across all types of NEET, with the exception of furthers away from education and learning. Many yougn people are particularly ‘looking for learning opportunities’, demonstrating the strong association between learning and employment. In employment without training means no prospect of progressin and chances of dismisal because of lack of understanding of work environment.

4 What needs to be addressed
Practical solution for practical problems Courses and formats to engage Experience to develop motivation Realistic opportunities at the end of the course No sound bites and gloss Long term career and secure future Professional support and guidance The equation for success is very simple Matching – assessment, motivation, aspiration, engagement, training format, practice labs (real work experience) leading to Traineeship etc

5 Our proposal Pre Traineeship: Knowledge Skills Experience Leading to:
Apprenticeship Employment Outline Pre Traineeship contents in brief and make it relevant to the audience and in particular the importance of contents and format that engages the NEET

6 Secondary Barrier Funding opportunities Government policies
JCP managers discretion LLEP funding delays and restrictions Employers “active” participation All proposals need financial backing - Billions of pounds are spent on funding NEET but they fail to produce the desired results. NEET funding is restricted to the standard qualifications which is useful in their own rights but do not match the employer expectations and certainly do not prepare the individual for the world of employment. The end result is disillusionment, lack of motivation, peer influence and generational cycle of unemployment and lack of engagement. Flexible funding is almost non-existent because if is not measurable. Whilst recognising the importance of quantities measurement many NEETs are in “need” of Qualitative measurement to improve their skills, knowledge and experience.

7 Summary We believe in searching for solutions in partnership because we know its needed
Non-academic learning with vocational focus Matching course contents and format to meet their aspirations Recognise their “tight” financial circumstances and give support Support with challenging circumstances (basic literacy, numeracy and ICT and work ethics) Financial incentives and support are a great motivator for those who want to engage and become employed Underpinning principles: The most frequently cited motivations to learn were associated with ‘future career and aspirations’ the need to ‘gain employment or increase employability’, ‘qualifications’ and ‘skills, experience and knowledge’. Young people want and need ‘financial support and incentives’, ‘skills, experience and knowledge’, ‘style of learning and learning environment’, and the need to ‘gain employment or increase employability at the end of the course as a motivator than having a qualification that is not valued by employers and has no currency in the market with the employer because it is not something that employers are familiar with or feel the qualification does not fufil their expectations.

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