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Castles and Kingdoms Changes in Systems of Government

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Presentation on theme: "Castles and Kingdoms Changes in Systems of Government"— Presentation transcript:

1 Castles and Kingdoms Changes in Systems of Government
World History Unit 4A, Lesson 1 Castles and Kingdoms Changes in Systems of Government ©2012, TESCCC

2 ©2012, TESCCC

3 ©2012, TESCCC

4 ©2012, TESCCC

5 What can you deduce from looking at the map key
What can you deduce from looking at the map key? What names sound familiar to you? What is the name of this peninsula? Where is it located? ©2012, TESCCC

6 Ask students to locate or point out the word “Kingdom”
©2012, TESCCC

7 ©2012, TESCCC

8 Reviewing Systems of Government
City States Empires Kingdoms Nations ©2012, TESCCC

9 From Kingdoms to Nations (Middle Ages in Europe)
Characteristics Nations ©2012, TESCCC

10 Hundred Years War: England vs. France
©2012, TESCCC

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