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Sannisha K. Dale, PhD, EdM1,2 and Steven Safren, PhD3

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1 Sannisha K. Dale, PhD, EdM1,2 and Steven Safren, PhD3
Open Pilot Trial of Striving Towards Empowerment and Medication Adherence (STEP-AD): A Tailored Intervention for Black Women with HIV Sannisha K. Dale, PhD, EdM1,2 and Steven Safren, PhD3 1Massachusetts General Hospital, 2Harvard Medical School, 3University of Miami INTRODUCTION MEASURES RESULTS (CONT’D) Baseline, 3- and 6- month follow-up visits. Adherence: Wisepill. Viral load: Medical records review if available. Trauma: Davidson Trauma Scale (Davidson et al., 1997) was used to capture trauma symptoms. Figure 1: ART Adherence Overtime for Open Pilot Trial In the U.S. Black women living with HIV (BWLWH) face numerous psychosocial factors (e.g. trauma, racism, HIV-related discrimination and gender role expectations) that are associated with low medication adherence and negative HIV health outcomes.1-4 This study presents an open pilot trial of an intervention to improve medication adherence among BWLWH. PARTICIPANTS Five Black women living with HIV were enrolled. Table I. Sociodemograohics & Clinical Characteristics Maya: 37 y.o., non- U.S. born, unemployed, stable housing Bell: 41 y.o., U.S. born, unemployed, SSDI, stable housing Audre: 59 y.o., U.S. born, volunteered part-time, SSDI, stable housing Assata: 50 y.o., U.S. born, worked part-time, SSDI, unstable housing Toni: 51 y.o., U.S. born, unemployed, SSDI, unstable housing METHODS RESULTS Figure 2: Trauma Symptoms Overtime for Open Pilot Trial Striving Towards EmPowerment and Medication Adherence (STEP-AD) is a 10-session intervention developed with the input of Black women living with HIV in the Boston area and community stakeholders. STEP-AD is aimed at improving medication adherence by combining cognitive behavioral strategies for trauma strategies for coping with racism and HIV-related discrimination, and gender role expectations problem solving techniques for medication adherence and other resilient coping strategies Table II. Viral load status Baseline 3 month 6 month Maya 1100(detectable) Not available 1000 (detectable) Bell 20 (detectable) 44 (detectable) Audre Reluctant to start ART, 295 (detectable) Not on ART, 473 (detectable) Start ART, 0 (undetectable) Assata 524 (detectable) Toni 32 (detectable) 66 (detectable) DISCUSSION Findings support the preliminary feasibility/acceptability of the STEP-AD.  Areas for refinement and issues/barriers (e.g. new trauma, housing, major life stressors) in the lives of the women were also noted. A pilot randomized control trial comparing STEP-AD to a control condition is ongoing to evaluate the preliminary efficacy of STEP-AD.  REFERENCES Brody, L.R., Stokes, L.R., Dale, S.K., Kelso, G.A., Cruise, R.C., Weber, K.M., Cohen, M.H. (2014). Gender Roles and Mental Health in Women With and at Risk for HIV. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 38(3), doi: / Katz, I. T., Ryu, A. E., Onuegbu, A. G., Psaros, C., Weiser, S. D., Bangsberg, D. R., & Tsai, A. C. (2013). Impact of HIV-related stigma on treatment adherence: systematic review and meta-synthesis. J Int AIDS Soc, 16(3 Suppl 2), doi: /IAS Kelso G, Cohen M, Weber K, Dale SK, Cruise RC, Brody L. Critical consciousness, racial and gender discrimination, and HIV disease markers in African-American women with HIV. AIDS Behav Jul; 18 (7): PubMed PMID: Machtinger, E. L., Wilson, T. C., Haberer, J. E., & Weiss, D. S. (2012). Psychological trauma and PTSD in HIV-positive women: a meta-analysis. AIDS Behav, 16(8), doi: /s For further information, contact: Sannisha K. Dale, PhD, EdM, Massachusetts General Hospital, One Bowdoin Square, Suite 701, Boston, MA , This research was supported by 1K23MH (PI Dr. Sannisha Dale) and K24MH (PI Dr. Steve Safren).

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