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Kensington and Chelsea Neighbourhood Watch Conference 2015

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2 Kensington and Chelsea Neighbourhood Watch Conference 2015
Neighbourhood Watch and the Council – A Shared Agenda Stuart Priestley – Chief Community Safety Officer Welcome to the IT Community Launch Event. I’m David Tidey, Head of Information Systems (Or ISD) and joining me today is Peter Henderson. ICT Manager in the Family and Children’s Business Group. In this organisation we often get together in meetings of this nature – but they are usually in our comfortable silos – so I thought it would be good to get everyone together, who has a role to play in delivery IT services for a pre-Christmas event. At Kensington and Chelsea we have a lot to be proud of. You should all be aware that we are one of the top Council’s in the country and I firmly believe that IT has underpinned this superb performance.

3 Neighbourhood Watch and the Council – A Shared Agenda
Civic participation Stronger communities – individuals, neighbours, communities + Council, Police, voluntary organisations and businesses Reduce crime and the fear of crime - harder places for criminals to operate

4 Neighbourhood Watch and the Council – A Shared Agenda
Scams and financial exploitation Cost UK consumers £3.5bn per year Often it is the vulnerable who are targeted How: door step, phone call, internet, letters, impersonation Highly sophisticated and fast

5 Neighbourhood Watch and the Council – A Shared Agenda
Scams and financial exploitation – the Council response Raising awareness in the community – vulnerable residents Intelligence led home visits to vulnerable residents Working with National Scams Hub Working with the police to bring about successful prosecutions

6 Neighbourhood Watch and the Council – A Shared Agenda
Home Office Neighbourhood Watch is a partnership where people come together to make their communities safer. It involves the police, community safety officers of local authorities, voluntary organisations and, above all, individuals and families who want to make their neighbourhoods better places to live. RBKC Community Safety Team To work with partners, communities and residents to make the Royal Borough a safer place to live, work, study and visit.

7 Neighbourhood Watch and the Council – A Shared Agenda
Stuart Priestley – Chief Community Safety Officer

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