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Respiratory Disorders

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Presentation on theme: "Respiratory Disorders"— Presentation transcript:

1 Respiratory Disorders

2 Lung Cancer Cancer of lung tissues. Causes: Smoking.
Second-hand smoke. Radon. Asbestos. Uranium, arsenic & some petroleum products. WATCH THIS!!!

3 Symptoms Persistent cough. Persistent chest pain. Coughing up blood.
Wheezing. Shortness of breath. Loss of appetite. Hoarse voice. Periodic chest infections. WATCH THIS!!!

4 Diagnosis Chest X-ray. Sputum analysis. Bronchoscopy. Biopsy. CT scan.

5 Treatment Surgery. Lung transplant. Radiation therapy. Chemotherapy.

6 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
Chronic bronchitis & emphysema. Causes: Smoking. Second-hand smoke. Genetic disorder. Air pollution. Repeated childhood lung infections.

7 Symptoms Shortness of breath. Coughing up mucus. Fatigue.
Periodic chest infections.

8 Diagnosis Spirometry. Chest X-ray. Blood test.

9 Treatment Cannot be cured. Medications. Surgery. Lung transplant.

10 Tuberculosis (TB) Bacterial infection that can affect anyone.
Infects lungs as well as the brain, spine, bones and joints.

11 Symptoms Chronic cough. Coughing up fluids or blood. Fever.
Loss of appetite. Weight loss. Night sweats.

12 Diagnosis TB skin test. Chest X-ray.

13 Treatment Medications. WATCH THIS!!!

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