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Dr. Perpetual Crentsil Puh:/Tel.:

It deals with illness affliction and healing in a cross-cultural perspective Uses multiple theoretical approaches Interaction of biology, social environment, medicine.

3 History of Medical Anthropology
Before 1950s, study of illness and healing was done within cultural/social studies How other people dealt with sickness Religion and medicine (religious life of a people). Medical Anthropology developed in1960s & 1970s Early medical anthropologists had training in medicine—WHR Rivers, Arthur Kleinman, Byron Good, etc.

4 What Medical Anthropology Does
Shows how an individual or group constructs social reality about health (Kleinman 1980) Reveals illness and healing in both Western and non-Western societies

5 Variants of Medical Anthropology
Clinical or Biomedical Approach: -Associated modern science -Explains disease in physical or biological terms * Biomedicine includes: -physicians and health experts -institutions of care -industries and government/private agencies (Hahn 1995: 131).

6 Variants of Medical Anthropology
Medical Ecology: -populations as biological, -interactions among ecological systems & health (McElroy & Townsend 1996)

7 Variants of Medical Anthropology
Applied Medical Anthropology: -deals with intervention, prevention, and policy issues -analyzes the socioeconomic forces and power differentials that influence access to healthcare

8 Variants of Medical Anthropology
Ethnomedical Approach: -Deals with cultural systems of healing cognitive aspects of illness and healing personalistic, non-scientific or not empirically proven

9 Variants of Medical Anthropology
Critical Medical Anthropology (CMA) -developed as a sub-discipline -It seeks to move away from MA’s subordination to biomedicine (Singer & Baer 1995: 5) -Employs a critical gaze of health, illness/disease, and healthcare through political economy.

10 References HAHN, Robert A. (1995). Sickness and Healing: An Anthropological Perspective. New Haven: Yale University Press. KLEINMAN, Arthur (1980). Patients and Healers in the Context of Culture. Berkeley: University of California Press. MCELROY, Ann & Patricia K. TOWNSEND (1979). Medical Anthropology in Ecological Perspective. Massachusetts: Duxbury Press. SINGER, Merrill & Hans BAER (1995). Critical Medical Anthropology. New York: Baywood Publishing Company, Inc.


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