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Identifying the Elements of A Plot Diagram

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1 Identifying the Elements of A Plot Diagram
Student Notes

2 Plot Diagram 3 4 2 1 5

3 Plot (definition) Plot is the organized pattern or sequence of events that make up a story. Every plot is made up of a series of incidents that are related to one another.

4 1. Exposition This usually occurs at the beginning of a short story. Here the characters are introduced. We also learn about the setting of the story. Most importantly, we are introduced to the main conflict (main problem).

5 2. Rising Action This part of the story begins to develop the conflict(s). A building of interest or suspense occurs.

6 3. Climax This is the turning point of the story. Usually the main character comes face to face with a conflict. The main character will change in some way.

7 4. Falling Action All loose ends of the plot are tied up. The conflict(s) and climax are taken care of.

8 5. Resolution The story comes to a reasonable ending.

9 Putting It All Together
1. Exposition 2. Rising Action 3. Climax 4. Falling Action 5. Resolution Beginning of Story Middle of Story End of Story

10 Runaway Video Clip Watch the following video clip and answer the questions that follow:

11 1. Which of the following is the best summary of the video?
A. Boy opens up Chillie to find his latch is broken. He leaves to get another fridge, so chillie runs away. He stops in front of an appliance store and feels real bad. B. Chillie’s latch is broken so he starts to cry. Chillie unplugs himself and goes to the junk yard. Chillie then feels even worse when he see’s the other nice new shiny fridges. Boy comes back to get Chillie and finds him missing. C. Boy opens Chillie and finds that Chillie’s latch is broken. Boy goes in search of another. Chillie thinks he is going to be replaced so he runs away to a junk yard. Boy finds Chillie and they go back home with Chillie’s latch fixed. D. Chillie finds himself in a junkyard after he ran away from the Boy who broke is latch. He does not want the Boy to find him. The other refrigerators tell the Boy where Chillie went and he eventually finds Chillie in the junk yard.

12 2. Which event occurred after the new refrigerators wouldn’t tell the boy where Chillie went?
A. Chillie began to cry because he wasn’t shiny and new like the new refrigerators. B. Chillie sees the dead fridge. C. The boy finds the pictures of Chillie dropped. D. The toaster points which way to go.

13 3. Which of the following is NOT a part of the video’s Resolution?
A. The boy shows Chillie he was just going to buy a new part. B. The boy tells Chillie he can’t jump to conclusions. C. Chillie sees the dead appliances in the junk yard. D. The boy successfully repairs the handle.

14 Big Hero 6 Video Clip Watch the following video clip and answer the questions that follow:

15 4. That viewer can infer that which of the following occurred before the clip started?
A. The man in the mask is an antagonist who caused an external conflict. B. The man in the mask is an antagonist who caused an internal conflict. C. The characters have not yet found the man in the mask. D. The characters have .

16 5. What conclusion can the viewer draw about the setting?
A. The setting is set in the past. B. The setting is set in the future. C. The setting causes the conflict to occur. D. The setting causes the characters to behave poorly.

17 A. Guilt B. Grief C. Despair D. Longing
6. When the boy sees his dead brother’s name on Baymax’s disk, you can infer he feels all of the following except- A. Guilt B. Grief C. Despair D. Longing

18 Paragraph One Although Sherri was only seven years old, people always wanted to know what she wanted to be when she grew up. Her response was easy, a teacher. She had the perfect picture in her mind what her classes would look like and how they would behave. The only problem was that she didn't have any worksheets or materials to give to her imaginary class.

19 7. Why is the first paragraph important to the reader?
A. It reveals the antagonist of the story B. It reveals the main character and conflict C. It leads the story into the climax D. It reveals all of the story’s characters and setting

20 Paragraph Two In class she watched the teacher walk over to her file cabinet and throw mounds of unused worksheets in the trash. "What a waste!" Sherri murmured to herself. An idea suddenly blossomed in her head. She would take home and use the worksheets that had ended up in the trash.

21 Paragraph Three After school, when the halls were clear of students and teachers, she sneaked into Mrs. Smith's class, her first grade classroom and grabbed the discarded worksheets. Feeling confident that she had accomplished her mission, she walked around the corner with her new teaching materials under her arms. A loud, booming voice startled her as the janitor yelled, "What are you doing here? Go home!"

22 A. “mounds” B. “trash” C. “unused” D. “compost”
8. What word from paragraph two BEST helps the reader understand the meaning of the word “discarded” A. “mounds” B. “trash” C. “unused” D. “compost”

23 Paragraph Four Sherri didn't wait to respond to his questions as she ran out of the school's front doors. As she walked home, she kept looking behind her to see if the janitor had followed her. Safely home, she closed her bedroom door and announced to her imaginary students, "Good morning, students. Today you are going to learn about nouns and verbs. I am going to pass out a few worksheets and explain the assignment to you."

24 9. Sherri can be best described as-
a. Motivated b. Manipulative c. Mischievous d. Malicious

25 10. The janitor likely creates what type of mood through his tone?
A. intimidating B. horrifying C. abusive D. entertaining

26 11. A good theme for this story would be-
A. You can do anything you put your mind to B. Janitors are mean but you can outrun them  C. A good imagination is important to have D. It’s ok to steal as long as it was already thrown away

27 One last thing… Listen to the following “flocabulary” song:

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