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Starter for 5! Name three of the 99 Beautiful Names for Allah.

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Presentation on theme: "Starter for 5! Name three of the 99 Beautiful Names for Allah."— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter for 5! Name three of the 99 Beautiful Names for Allah.
What does the term ‘Allahu Akbar’ mean? Name two of the Five Roots of Shi’a Islam. Which Christian festival celebrates the incarnation of Jesus? What does the term ascension mean?

2 Starter for 5! Name three of the 99 Beautiful Names for Allah. E.g. omnipotent, beneficent, merciful What does the term ‘Allahu Akbar’ mean? God is great Name two of the Five Roots of Shi’a Islam. Prophethood, Tawhid, The justice of God, The Imamate, Resurrection Which Christian festival celebrates the incarnation of Jesus? Christmas What does the term ascension mean? The event 40 days after the resurrection of Jesus when he returned to heaven.

3 Plus, Minus, Interesting
Supposing that we know God is real... What would happen if God went on holiday? Think of a: Draw out – would it make a difference? Is God looking out for us so we would notice if he went on holiday or is God always away from us anyway? This brings students to thinking about words that show God’s closeness and distance. Something Interesting Minus Plus

4 The 7 Qualities of God Learning Objective: To further explore the nature of God through the God’s 7 qualities. I can memorise the 7 Qualities of God. I can apply the 7 qualities of God to real life scenarios. I can evaluate the best words to use to describe God.

5 Write down the definition of these keywords in your books.
Transcendent: this is the belief that God is beyond space and time he is outside of creation not limited by what he can do Write down the definition of these keywords in your books.

6 Write down the definition of these keywords in your books.
Immanent: This is the idea that God is... very close to the world as it involved in it he is not distant or uncaring more involved with individuals than the individual themselves Write down the definition of these keywords in your books.

7 Pairs – 7 Qualities of God
You are going to play the game of Pairs in groups of three. Two people will play and one will be the referee. Instructions: You will have 14 cards face down. Each person will take it in turns to turn two cards over. If they are a matching keyword and definition you take the pair. If it not matching the next person has a turn. The player with the most pairs at the end of the game wins. The referee will check that the definitions are correct.

8 Allah is Almighty, and has unlimited power.
Transcendent Immanent Omnipotent Beneficent Allah is beyond space and time and there are no limits on what he can do. Allah is very close and is involved in what goes on in the world. He is not distant or uncaring. Allah is Almighty, and has unlimited power. Allah is benevolent. This means that Allah is All-loving, and All-good. Rewarding the good and punishing the bad. Answers

9 The idea that God is Just and fair, and judges human actions
Merciful Fairness Justice The quality of Allah that shows compassion or forgiveness to humans, even though he has the power to punish them. This is the idea that God treats people fairly and impartially without favour or discrimination. The idea that God is Just and fair, and judges human actions Answers

10 Apply these words On sugar paper you are going to have 5 images on your piece of sugar paper. Around the images you need to write down which of the 7 qualities of God they link to. You must explain why. You could do this as a silent debate here.

11 Your pitch can be no longer than 2 minutes.
Dragon’s Den You are going to pitch your word for God to the Dragon’s Den panel. You need to persuasively explain why your word is the best word for God. Your pitch can be no longer than 2 minutes. What does your quality mean? Why is your word the best? Why is it better than the other 6 words? How would a Muslim believe that God shows this quality? Can you create/think of a scenario that demonstrates this characteristic in practise? Divide students into 7 groups and give them one of the 7 qualities of God. They need to persuade the panel that their word for God is the best word to use. When students present you could choose 4 volunteers to be the dragons on the judging panel.

12 ‘To describe God as omnipotent is the best way to describe God.’
Evaluate ‘To describe God as omnipotent is the best way to describe God.’ How far do you agree or disagree with this statement? Disagree Agree Write your name on your post it note with a reason to explain what you think.

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