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Applied Bioscience & Zoology Science Induction Programme 16/17

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1 Applied Bioscience & Zoology Science Induction Programme 16/17
Tuesday 6th September 2016 Dr Richard Thacker (PL Applied Bioscience & Zoology) Dr Fiona Henriquez (PL Applied Bioscience)

2 Programme Induction Programme 16/17 - Enrolment
1. Availability of Online Enrolment New students will be able to enrol online during their first week of attendance, usually AFTER the induction session on programme information and module selection. For information about induction go to 2. Non-EEA Students Before you can enrol, you must have presented your passport and visa to Student Administration for scanning. This can be done any time prior to enrolment. 3. URL for Online Enrolment The URL for Online Enrolment is 4. Logging in – Login and PIN Number You should log in to the system using your Banner ID. Your Banner ID is the number that appears on all correspondence you will have received from UWS and begins with B00….You will also need a PIN number. This PIN number is initially set as your date of birth in the format ddmmyy and should be changed thereafter to ensure security. 5. Help with Online Enrolment On each page of the online enrolment system, you will find online help. If you are unsure about any of the questions being asked or what you are doing, please refer to the online help. If this does not answer your questions please contact us and we will be able to help you with your enrolment: Telephone Help: (8.45am to 4.45pm) Help:

3 Programme Induction Programme 16/17
Timetables: and ) Programmes and Modules: Personal Tutors: Allocated in week 1 – 2 following enrolment (all students sent an ) Introduction to Staff and Advice from Students – lab coats Staff – Student Liaison Groups – communication ( & moodle) Final Year (Honours Projects)

4 Programme Induction Programme 16/17
Introduction to Zoology Staff Dr Mhairi Alexander (Animal Behaviour, Behavioural Ecology) Dr Simon Cuthbert (Biosphere & Man, Biological Conservation) Dr Brian Quinn (Environmental Adaptation, Field Biology) Dr Kath Sloman (Vertebrate Physiology, Applied Aquatic Ecology) Dr Richard Thacker (Biodiversity, Practical Skills, Biosphere & Man, Entomology, Pest Management) Dr Priya Tamilselvan (Animal Diversity)

5 Programme Induction Programme 16/17
Personal Tutors: Allocated in week 1 – 2 following enrolment (all students sent an ) Applied Bio & Zoology 1st year: Thacker [A to Z] 2nd year: Tamilselvan [A to L]; Sloman [M to Z] 3rd year: Quinn [A to L]; Alexander [M to Z] 4th year: Honours Project Supervisor

6 Programme Induction Programme 16/17
Biology/Zoology textbook (online)

7 Timetable for First Lecture
Module Year Group Location Time Day Cells and Molecules 1st year P118 9.00am Monday Vertebrate Physiology 2nd year E221 10.00am Tuesday Practical Skills F115 G240 10.00am or 2.00pm 12.30pm (all students) Thursday Human Biology D141 12.00pm Friday Animal Behaviour 3rd year G220 Entomology & Parasitology Animal Diversity Wednesday Environmental Adaptation 4th year F249 Applied Aquatic Ecology L208

8 Applied Bioscience & Applied Bioscience & Zoology 16/17
Modules by year: Applied Bioscience & Applied Bioscience & Zoology 16/17 First Year Compulsory Semester 1 Semester 2 Cells & Molecules Biodiversity Scientific Investigation Optional Any 2 (science) modules plus any other module

9 Applied Bioscience & Applied Bioscience & Zoology 16/17
Modules by year: Applied Bioscience & Applied Bioscience & Zoology 16/17 First Year Optional Modules Semester 1 Semester 2 Structure of Chemistry Chemistry & Reactions Sequences & Patterns Mathematics of Space & Change Physics A Physics B Language A Language B Dealing with Data Intro Environmental H&S at Work Science & Crime Intro to Astronomy Intro to Pharmacy Science

10 Applied Bioscience & Applied Bioscience & Zoology 16/17
Modules by year: Applied Bioscience & Applied Bioscience & Zoology 16/17 Second Year Compulsory Modules Semester 1 Semester 2 Practical Skills Biosphere & Man Vertebrate Physiology Introductory Microbiology Human Biology Genetics Optional Modules (Applied Bioscience Only) Semester 1 Semester 2 Pharmacology, Drugs & Behaviour Cells & Sugars Analytical Techniques Biological Trace Evidence

11 Applied Bioscience & Applied Bioscience & Zoology 16/17
Modules by year: Applied Bioscience & Applied Bioscience & Zoology 16/17 Third Year Compulsory Modules Semester 1 Semester 2 Entomology & Parasitology Biological Conservation Animal Diversity Field Biology Animal Behaviour WBL20 or Bio-Case Study Optional Modules (Applied Bioscience Only) Semester 1 Semester 2 Applied Microbiology Human Physiology Immunology Proteins: Form & Function WBL40 or WBL 20 + BioProfessional Practice or Bioprofessional Practice (compulsory) Pure & Applied Genetics Factors Affecting Drug Action

12 Applied Bioscience & Applied Bioscience & Zoology 16/17
Modules by year: Applied Bioscience & Applied Bioscience & Zoology 16/17 Fourth year Compulsory Modules Semester 1 Semester 2 Honours Project Honours Project Environmental Adaptation Behavioural Ecology Applied Aquatic Ecology Pest Management Optional Modules (Applied Bioscience Only) Semester 1 Semester 2 Clinical Immunology Public Health Microbiology Biology of Disease Cells & Disease Food & Environmental Microbiology DNA Technology

13 Applied Bioscience & Applied Bioscience & Zoology 16/17
Modules by year: Applied Bioscience & Applied Bioscience & Zoology 16/17 Honours Project Compulsory H&S training (Friday) Read relevant information on requirements regarding ‘ethics’ – all work with vertebrates requires ethical approval Complete relevant risk assessments/COSHH forms/H&S training record All final project reports must contain one of the following statements: The work reported in this dissertation/thesis was approved by the school of science and sport ethics committee (approval number XXXXXXXX) or The work reported in this dissertation/thesis did not require approval by the school of science and sport ethics committee.

14 Science Induction Programme
Important URL’s Enrolment: Modules:

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