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Zoology Mrs. Odom & Ms. Lowe.

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Presentation on theme: "Zoology Mrs. Odom & Ms. Lowe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Zoology Mrs. Odom & Ms. Lowe

2 Now ▫ Notebook rules ▫ Organize notebook ▫ Science Cycle ▫ Notes
Homework is due Notebooks out on desk Signed syllabus on cart Locate the following pages Zoo Standards Syllabus Lab Safety Rules Microscope Use Scientific Equipment Now ▫ Notebook rules ▫ Organize notebook ▫ Science Cycle ▫ Notes

3 Notebook Things to Know!
Things to Do Things not to do Bring to class everyday! Number all pages Use liquid glue & only a LITTLE Use color pencils BE CREATIVE and NEAT No markers Don’t rip any pages out Use stick glue Don’t LOSE the notebook DON”T LOSE THE NOTEBOOK!

4 Question of the Day Keywords Notes Answer QOD Cornell Notes
This is an easy and very organized system that we will be using to record our notes. It is your responsibility to review your notes daily and add keywords and answer the QOD in your own simplified version Notes Keywords Answer QOD

5 Pg 7 Pg. 7 Question of the day How can we shoot bottle rockets into the air and make it all science sounding?

6 What would be a good keyword for this section of notes?
Science = investigation + accumulation Investigation = search for the truth Might not always recognize it when we see it Truth is always subject to change Accumulation = body of knowledge obtained by people using reliable methods

7 Foldable time! Science is Science isn’t Limited to natural world
Measurable, repeatable Based on testable predictions Based on experiments Biased, verifiable Strong theories inferred from solid evidence Objective, observable Testable, modifiable, disprovable Open to change A search for understanding Magic, based on faith Based on belief or authority Fair Absolute Certain Unbiased A collection of facts

8 Pg 7 Pg. 6 Science cycle Why is it more realistic to think of science as a cycle rather than a linear enterprise?

9 1 to 200 Homework Due Tomorrow Keywords and summary on pg. 7
All pages numbered in notebook 1 to 200

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