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Genetics/Zoology Semester Exam Review

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Presentation on theme: "Genetics/Zoology Semester Exam Review"— Presentation transcript:

1 Genetics/Zoology Semester Exam Review
Scientific Inquiry, Chemistry of Life, The Cell, Cell Cycle and Mitosis, Mendel and Meiosis

2 Investigate and understand, explain events in nature, derived explanations to make useful predictions What are the goals of science?

3 Hypothesis You state that the presence of water could accelerate bread mold growth. This is a(n

4 Educated guess Define hypothesis

5 Define controlled variables.

6 Single variable A controlled experiment allows the scientist to isolate and test

7 Work can be repeated, experimental procedures can be reviewed, others can try to reproduce the results Scientist publish the details of important experiments so that

8 Theory When enough experimental data supports a hypothesis, becomes a(n)

9 The living world Biology is the study of

10 Pages 16 & 17 List the characteristics of living things.

11 Ecosystem List the levels of organization includes all of the other levels?

12 meter In the metric system, the basic unit of length is the

13 240,000 How many centimeters are there in 2.4 km?

14 100 On the Celsius temperature scale, how many degrees are between the freezing and boiling points of water?

15 Always follow directions
What safety is the number one safety rule we discussed in class?

16 Protons, neutrons, electrons
The three particles that make up an atom are

17 11 If an atom contains 11 protons and 12 neutrons, its atomic number is

18 Positive What type of ion forms when an atom loses an electron?

19 Of water and dissolved particles
Suspensions are mixtures

20 0-14, <7, >7, What is the pH range and define acid, base and buffer?

21 A substance with a pH of 6 is called

22 Solutions that contain concentrations of H⁺ ions lower than pure water are

23 Carbohydrate A monosaccharide is a

24 Carbohydrates Which of the following organic compounds is the main source of energy for living things?

25 Help fight disease, control the rate of the reaction, build muscles and tissues
What are the functions of proteins?

26 Activation energy What is the term used to describe the energy needed to get a reaction started?

27 Lower the activation energy of chemical reactions
List the characteristics of catalyst.

28 Speed of the reaction Enzymes affect the reactions in living cells by changing the

29 Robert Hooke Who was the first person to identify and see cells?

30 Cells are the basic unit of life, all living things are made of cells, all cells are produced from other cells Define and list principles of cell theory.

31 Cell membrane The thin flexible barrier around the cell is called the

32 Nucleus Cell structure that contains the cell’s genetic material and controls the cell’s activities is

33 Nuclei Prokaryotes lack

34 A nucleus, cell organelles, genetic material
Eukaryotes usually contain

35 Bacteria, Plant or Animal cell
List an example of a prokaryote. Eukaryote.

36 Microtubules and microfilaments
Which structures carry out movement?

37 Helps cell maintain shape, move, organelles within the cell move
What are the functions of the cytoskeleton?

38 Mitochondria and chloroplast
Which organelle help provide the cell with energy?

39 Groups of tissues that perform a specific funciton
Organs are

40 Tissue A group of cells that perform similar functions is called a(n)

41 Stomach, Esophagus, Small intestine, Large intestine
Give an example of a digestive system organ.

42 Provides daughter cells with its own copy of DNA, increases surface area of the original cell, reduces the original cell’s volume How does cell division solve problems with cell growth?

43 It has grown to full size
If a normal cell divides, you can assume that

44 Each daughter cell receives a copy of the parent’s DNA
What happens when a cell divides?

45 Interphase, Mitosis, Cytokinesis
What events occur during the cell cycle?

46 G1, S, G2 What occurs during interphase?

47 Cell plate One difference between cell division in plants and animal cells is that plant cells have

48 Four chromosomes During normal mitotic cell division, a parent cell having four chromosomes will produce two daughter cells, each containing

49 Growth factors, cyclins, p53
What regulates the cell cycle?

50 Growth rate Cancer is a disorder in which some cells have lost the ability to control their

51 Heredity (inheritances of traits)
Gregor Mendel used pea plants to study

52 Genes What are Mendel’s factors called today?

53 The allele for tall plants is dominant
When Mendel crossed true-breeding tall plants with true-breeding short plants, all the offspring were tall because

54 Homozygous Organisms with two identical alleles for a particular trait are said to be

55 Principle of independent assortment
What principle states that during gamete formation genes for different traits separate without influencing each other’s inheritance?

56 All organisms Mendel’s principles of genetics apply to

57 N The number of chromosomes in a gamete is represented by the symbol

58 Meiosis Gametes are produced by the process of

59 Define crossing over.

60 Four genetically different cells
Unlike mitosis, meiosis results in the formation of

61 Tetrads rarely form during mitosis.
Crossing-over rarely occurs in mitosis, unlike meiosis. Why?

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