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Unit 11 Communication & Collaboration

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1 Unit 11 Communication & Collaboration
Living Online Unit 11 Communication & Collaboration

2 Objectives Identify different communication methods
Identify advantages of electronic communication Identify common problems with electronic communication Identify elements of professional electronic communication Identify appropriate use of attachments Identify issues with unsolicited Describe how to control unsolicited Identify procedures for safe electronic communication

3 Communication Methods
Need real-time? Use IM Need a paper trail? Use Most widely used Distance Learning? Video Conference Other Blog, message board

4 Advantages of Electronic Communication
Speed Low cost/free Access from various devices, cell or computer Forwarding of messages can be done Collaborative Share documents You can keep track of sites visited Stored on your computer (on next slide) One to one popular:

5 Viewing Browser History
Favorites Center Options: By site By date By most visited Search

6 Problems with Electronic Communication: Email Issues
Attachments Size may be too big/too many Virus Blocked by program Delivery Failure Bounced Mistyped address Virus detected/spam filter You’ve been blocked by receiver Their mailbox is full

7 Problems with Electronic Communication: Paper Trail
Written record or history Can be used in legal cases You may need proof can provide that IM, phone/online conferences can’t

8 Problems with Electronic Communication: Hasty Responses
Say something you wish you could take back You get an that makes you angry Discuss with someone/calm down Write & leave out To: address until sure Save as draft & wait a day Reply, Reply All Proper spelling & grammar

9 Email Ettiquete Include a subject Try to keep to 1 subject
Brief yet descriptive enough Try to keep to 1 subject Keep message short Avoid ALL CAPS! Limit jokes, symbols :-o Proofread before sending Double check the addresses DON’T EMBARRASS YOURSELF! sent through company is NOT private

10 Which is Best?

11 Unwanted Spam Unsolicited ads Don’t reply to junk s Typically, an message is sent to multiple recipients who did not ask to receive it. messages are not considered spam if a user has signed up to receive them.

12 Spam Facts- FYI Estimated 80% of email is spam
An spam is sent to 600 addresses First large-scale spam sent to newsgroups, reaching millions of people. billion per day billion per day 2010- Spam is 92% of sent

13 Spam Be careful giving out your email Check privacy statements
Do not publish it online Check privacy statements They may share your address DO NOT reply to junk mails They’ll know they have a valid address You’ll get more junk! Use the junk filter

14 Phishing Steals your personal info Spoofed sites & emails
s that appear to come from original source Asks you to change password Link takes you to copied site User collects your info

15 Spam vs. Phishing How does it arrive? How does it make its offer?
Spam: Sneaks in the back door Phishing: Walks in the front door How does it make its offer? Spam: Looks bad, seems far-fetched Phishing: Looks plausible, seems credible What is it trying to do? Spam: Tries to sell you something Phishing: Tries to steal something from you

16 Review What’s worse, spam or phishing? Let’s Play
Phishing Scams- Avoid the Bait Spam Scam Slam Follywood Squares Phishing IQ Test

17 Viruses Program written to cause disruption
Attached to a file or Spreads Worm- copies itself across network & slows it down Time Bomb- damage at certain time/date Trojan Horse- looks like something good, but isn’t Protect with Antivirus software Update regularly Be careful opening s Scan attachments first

18 Safe Guidelines Virus program scan all emails (in & out)
Virus program subscription Schedule scan Review s & IMs before sending ISP can filter s as well Understand netiquette & company rules Encrypt s with private info Save & backup your s Remember the “paper trail” Follow laws

19 Review T or F. Email paper trails cannot be used as legal documents.
Junk is also called _______. ______ refers o good manners when communicating electronically. ______ tries to get/steal your private info. ______ is just annoying!

20 Unit 11 Communication & Collaboration
Living Online Unit 11 Communication & Collaboration

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