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Warm Up Why was the Civil War referred to as the Civil War? State at least 3 examples in a 5-7 sentence paragraph. Cite examples from your class notes.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up Why was the Civil War referred to as the Civil War? State at least 3 examples in a 5-7 sentence paragraph. Cite examples from your class notes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up Why was the Civil War referred to as the Civil War? State at least 3 examples in a 5-7 sentence paragraph. Cite examples from your class notes.

2 Objective-SWBAT understand how the Battle of Gettysburg was a turning point in the war

3 In Spring of 1863, the Confederates had the upper hand
In Spring of 1863, the Confederates had the upper hand. Their victory at Chancellorsville ruined Union plans to attack Richmond, Virginia. What qualities did Confederate generals Lee and Stonewall Jackson have that Union leaders seemed to lack? (Turn and talk)

4 General Lee decided to take the war once more to the North, hoping to impress France and Britain Why might Lee want to impress France and Britain? (Turn and talk)

5 The Confederate strategy was similar to that of the colonies in the Revolutionary War. Though far outnumbered, the colonies elicited the support of France. France and Britain missed the goods, especially cotton, that Southern planters had once supplied. If the Confederates appeared to be winning, those nations might help their cause.

6 Guided Practice As a class, we will popcorn read a passage titled, “The Battle of Gettysburg” Page 478 and answer the following comprehension questions: What is the main idea of this passage? What are two details supporting the main idea? What is one new vocabulary word from this passage? Define this word, and use it in a sentence.

7 Independent Practice Answer the following comprehension questions based upon the reading: Why did the Confederates think that Pickett’s charge would work? What was the eventual result? How did Gettysburg affect the course of the war?

8 Group Work You will receive a map titled “The Battle of Gettysburg, Day 3”, and answer the following comprehension questions: Group 1-Where did the Confederates concentrate their attacks? Group 2- What were the results of these battles? Group 3- What about the Union position as shown on this map might have given Union forces an advantage?

9 Homework Why was Gettysburg a turning point for the South?

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