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ELA CCSS Unit 2 for the Implementation Committee

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Presentation on theme: "ELA CCSS Unit 2 for the Implementation Committee"— Presentation transcript:

1 ELA CCSS Unit 2 for the Implementation Committee
OSD 3rd Grade: Thank you for being here  ELA CCSS Unit 2 for the Implementation Committee

2 Feedback from Unit 1 Suggestions… Criticisms…. Ideas… Questions….

3 Overview of Unit 2/Grade 3
Length of Unit: 4-8 weeks with option for 12 weeks Foundational Skills: Covered Enduring Understanding: Conflict influences a person’s decisions Anchor Texts & Supplemental Texts… Poems: included Informational Text: included Supporting Stimuli: included Essential Questions: -What is conflict? -What leads to conflict? -Why do people respond differently to conflict? May Do’s: How can conflict be intentional? How can conflict be unintentional? See ELA CCSS Template for Unit 1 for May Do Essential Questions

4 The Big 5 Included in all CCSS units Enduring Understandings
Essential Questions Bundle of Standards Text Set Culminating Activity (Performance Task)

5 Review of CCSS Standard Bundle Unit 2
The CCSS Bundle of Standards Includes: CCSS Reading standards included CCSS Writing standards included CCSS Listening and Speaking standards included CCSS Language standards included CCSS ELD Standards included Please see ELA CCSS Plan for all above standards in detail Focus standards are bolded

6 The Text Set: Unit 2 Anchor Texts: Supplemental Texts: Articles:
A plan to protect wolves in the U.S. Southwest sparks a loud debate More People in US Speaking Many Languages

7 The Performance Task: Unit 2
Students will write: An Opinion Piece After they: Do a close reading as a whole class and take notes about Chapter three from the book, Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing Form an opinion with teacher’s guidance Plan a 4-Paragraph Opinion Piece with a T-Note and teacher’s guidance

8 Implementation Timeline: Unit 2
Option One: (Required) Implement February-March 4-8 weeks for completion Option Two: Implement February-April 8-12 weeks For GATE clusters, etc

9 Thank you for coming! Your commitment to implementing the Common Core in OSD is greatly appreciated! Please go back to your school sites and share the unit, timeline and expectations with all of your grade level team members Adjust Unit as your team feels necessary We await your feedback and suggestions Questions?

10 Contact Us : Elena Garcia: TOSA Instructional Coach at Ramona Elementary Kimberly López: TOSA Instructional Coach at Christa McAuliffe Elementary Traci Martinez: 3rd grade teacher Brekke School

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