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Ms. Nikki and Ms. Missy’s Pre-K

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Nikki and Ms. Missy’s Pre-K"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Nikki and Ms. Missy’s Pre-K
Week of October 3, 2016 Important Dates We’re working on… Wednesday Oct 5 – Scholastic book order due Wednesday Oct 5 – Homeroom Mother Form Due Thursday Oct 6 – Gritt’s Farm Field Trip Tuesday Oct 18 – No school for Boone County Thursday Oct 27 – Halloween Party Pumpkins Pumpkins grow from seeds Pumpkins grow on vines What is inside a pumpkin Daily Focus Letter: Pp Number: 2 Color: orange Shape: triangle Nursery Rhyme: Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater Vocabulary: pulp, vine, ribs Work on at Home… Practice identifying the letters in your child’s name Practice writing your child’s name: First letter capital and the rest lowercase Read to your child for 10 minutes each day. Contact Info School Website Notes to Parents Please have your child wear their pre-k shirt on the field trip Please send a small blanket for rest time.

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