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Mrs. Smith’s First Grade News Reminders and Events Reading & Writing

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1 Mrs. Smith’s First Grade News Reminders and Events Reading & Writing
February 6-10, 2017 Reminders and Events Word Study words this week are in your child’s folder. There will be a spelling test on Friday. We will have outside recess every day that weather permits. Please send your child with a coat each day that it is cold. Please send a snack with your child each day. Reading & Writing . We will read the whole group story Fox and Stork.. In small reading groups, we are working on reading with fluency and using a variety of strategies to decode unfamiliar words. We are learning to transition from using our fingers to track words to using our eyes. We are working on neat handwriting, complete sentences, capitals and end marks and applying correct spelling by using our Word Wall, the Word Study notebook and books. Social Studies: Famous Americans We are continuing our study of the contributions of Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington Carver and Eleanor Roosevelt. Math We are learning about equal parts of shapes and identifying and creating fractions to show halves, thirds and fourths. We are learning about symmetrical shapes and that shapes may have more than one line of symmetry. Tuesday, February 14: Please send your child with a bag or box to collect valentines and valentines to hand out to classmates. A class list was sent home on Feb.1.

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