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Vocab Words Week 1 Mr. Matzka.

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1 Vocab Words Week 1 Mr. Matzka

2 abase (verb) to lower in position, estimation, or the like; to degrade
When you use inappropriate language like that, you only abase yourself even more.

3 aeronaut (noun) one who navigates the air; a balloonist
We were lucky to have Charles as our aeronaut for the day. He showed us all of the cool sights from where we floated in the hot air balloon.

4 annunciation (noun) proclamation
The judge made an annunciation that all professors were to get back to their regularly scheduled classes on Thursday.

5 assonant (adj) having resemblance of sound (similar sounds)
Tongue twisters often have many assonants which make them hard to say quickly.

6 bibliophile (noun) one who loves books
There is not question whether or not I’m a bibliophile, considering that I always have my nose in a book.

7 canto (noun) one of the divisions of an extended poem
Dante’s Divine Comedy is divided up into three cantos: Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso.

8 (noun) the act, fact, or result of committing
committal (noun) the act, fact, or result of committing Because of your committal to the success of homecoming, you are required to be at the school at 8am to decorate the gym.

9 contingency (noun) possibility of happening
The contingency of life on Mars is barely debatable – of course there is.

10 (adv) blindly darkling
Blake walked darkling down the foggy sidewalk, afraid he was going to run into something.

11 descendant (noun) one who is descended lineally from another, as a child, grandchild, etc. After having only 2 children herself, Sue was shocked to have 18 descendants at the end of her life.

12 dissection (noun) the act or operation of cutting in pieces, specifically of a plant or animal My favorite part of biology was the dissection of a sand shark.

13 (adj) extreme egregious
Tommy made egregious accusations, saying that I stole his lunch money from his locker.

14 et cetera (latin) and so forth
Don’t forget to pack your camping supplies: sleeping bag, tent, lantern, et cetera.

15 fathom (noun) a measure of length, 6 feet
When we went sailing last summer the captain told us that the ocean in certain spots was nearly 100 fathoms deep.

16 frizz (verb) to give a crinkled, fluffy appearance to
Yesterday, I frizzed my shirt so that I had an excuse not to iron it.

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