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Lent Challenge Introduction:

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2 Lent Challenge Introduction:
As a school, we decided we wanted to learn more about what it was like for refugees when they had to leave their homes and find a new life somewhere. Over the five weeks, Revd Rosemary helped us, through Collective Worship, to understand what the people went through and how we might feel in their place. We also learned about the love we could show, by hearing a short passage from the Bible each week and then completing a practical challenge.

3 WEEK ONE: The first week we heard about Jesus in the Wilderness being tempted by the devil. We thought about the things that were important to us, and then packed a rucksack with the things we thought we would need if we were going off into the unknown. It was quite difficult, because it was a small rucksack and we couldn’t take everything we wanted to. We decided not to take our mobile phone, as we thought there wouldn’t be any way to charge it. There wasn’t room for much food or drink, and only one spare jumper. No room for spare shoes or even a teddy bear – although we did put a tiny one in.


5 WEEK TWO: Food Collection
When we met for Collective Worship this week, we found that all the food and water had gone from the backpack, and our money had run out. It had lasted less than a week. We thought about how we might be able to get more food and drink, and discussed the Food Banks and how sometimes big shops might help us if we were desperate. We also thought about refuge centres and night shelters. We heard the story of Jesus Feeding the 5,000 and about how God always provides for us, often using other people to help us. We were asked to bring tinned food into school which could later be taken to our local refuge centre.

6 Clothes were collected:
WEEK THREE: Clothes were collected: This week we discovered that our spare jumper had been left behind. It had been used as a pillow, and was really muddy, and somehow got overlooked. Our raincoat had got dropped into the sea as it was being passed to someone who was getting very wet in the boat as we went to another country. We had lent our scarf to someone who was really cold, and forgotten to get it back before we moved on. Now we only have the clothes we are wearing- and they are getting dirty and wet. We are hoping the weather gets warmer very soon! We read a bit of the Sermon on the Mount, where Jesus tells us not to worry about what we will wear – God will take care of us. We were asked to bring some clothes we had grown out of to give to the refuge centre.

7 Toiletries Collection:
WEEK FOUR: Toiletries Collection: This week it became very clear to us that we were starting to smell a bit. We had run out of soap and shampoo, as well as toothpaste. Our toothbrush had somehow been broken and so thrown away. Our towel was really dirty and torn, with so many people sharing it. Even the First Aid Kit was empty – apart from a dirty bandage and a safety pin! We thought about how we could get clean again and where we might find help. We heard a bit of Psalm 51, and learned that it is important that we are clean on the inside, as well as on the outside; remembering that we not only need to forgive others, but also need to ask forgiveness for ourselves when we do wrong things and hurt others. Our challenge this week was to collect toiletries for the refuge centre.

8 WEEK FIVE: Book & Toy Collection:
Today we found that our wind-up torch had been stolen, the tiny teddy bear had gone and the card games had disappeared. Our Rucksack was empty. We had nothing but the clothes we stood up in. What happens next? Revd Rosemary talked about all the things we had brought in to school and the way we had shown love to people we have never met. We learned that God uses us, his children, to help those who are in need, and that when we do anything for someone else, we are doing it for God. We were reminded about the commandments to love God and love our neighbour, and we promised to always do that, wherever we are. A final challenge was to bring in a toy or teddy we no longer play with, which will help the children at the refuge centre.

9 Our Lenten Theme is: Agape –Love


11 We have enjoyed learning about Refugees and hope that we have helped the people in the refuge centre.

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