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Bay-Friendly Landscaping: 7 Principles for Landscaping Sustainably - June 7, 2007 BAY-FRIENDLY LANDSCAPING AND GARDENING 7 Principles for Landscaping Sustainability & Program Resources Today we are asking _____________ agency/city to sign the declaration of support for the 7 principles of Bay-Friendly Landscaping. The declaration is non-binding but it demonstrates that local agencies throughout the Bay Area wish to move toward a sustainable approach to designing, constructing and maintaining landscapes in order to conserves resources, reduce pollution and improve the health of the community.
Bay-Friendly Landscaping: 7 Principles for Landscaping Sustainably - June 7, 2007 BAY-FRIENDLY LANDSCAPING IS… A whole systems approach to the design, construction & maintenance of the landscape. What is Bay-Friendly? It is a whole systems approach to the design, construction and maintenance of the landscape. It is modeled on natural systems. Bay-Friendly is not new – it’s pulling together the best management practices across multiple environmental concerns.
Bay-Friendly Landscaping: 7 Principles for Landscaping Sustainably - June 7, 2007 BENEFITS OF BAY-FRIENDLY LANDSCAPING Helps local agencies meet their goals to : Reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions Conserve Water Reduce Stormwater Runoff Reduce Air pollution Reduce Waste & increase Recycling Create Healthier Communities Bay-Friendly Landscaping & Gardening supports many initiatives that local agencies are already committed to implementing. It helps to meet goals that Reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions Conserve Water Reduce Stormwater Runoff Reduce Air pollution Reduce Waste & increase Recycling Create Healthier Communities
Bay-Friendly Landscaping: 7 Principles for Landscaping Sustainably - June 7, 2007 AN INTEGRATED APPROACH - Puts individual messages of waste reduction, pollution prevention and water conservation in a broader context of environmental practices Has wider appeal Can affect more behavior change Provides partnering possibilities Multiple types of programs appeal to diverse audiences. Participants may be drawn in to the program for a variety of reasons. Media campaigns, trainings, workshops, conferences and grant proposals are possible joint projects.
Bay-Friendly Landscaping: 7 Principles for Landscaping Sustainably - June 7, 2007 7 PRINCIPLES of BAY-FRIENDLY LANDSCAPING Landscape Locally Landscape for Less to the Landfill Nurture the Soil Conserve Water Conserve Energy Protect Water & Air Quality Create Wildlife Habitat Bay-Friendly Landscaping offers a menu of practices under these 7 guiding principles. It is not expected that each landscape should or can encompass all practices. Rather Bay-Friendly allows landscapes to raise the bar and apply the best practices for that site. The quick overview here will describe the types of practices recommeded under each principle.
1. LANDSCAPE LOCALLY Evaluate climate, exposure & topography
Bay-Friendly Landscaping: 7 Principles for Landscaping Sustainably - June 7, 2007 1. LANDSCAPE LOCALLY Evaluate climate, exposure & topography Assess the soil & test drainage Consider the potential for fire Use local plant communities as models Analyze the natural features of the site to inform the design Landscape Locally; recognizes that built landscapes are a part of the larger ecosystem of the San Francisco Bay watershed and that they can contribute to it’s health if designed and maintained using sustainable practices. Practices that relate to this principle are:
Bay-Friendly Landscaping: 7 Principles for Landscaping Sustainably - June 7, 2007 2. LANDSCAPE FOR LESS TO THE LANDFILL Select appropriate plants, avoid overcrowding and invasive plants, no sheared hedges. Water & fertilize judiciously Use recycled content, sustainably harvested or salvaged materials Reuse plant debris through composting, mulching and grasscycling. Reduce and recycle construction debris Landscape for Less to the Landfill; means not generating it in the first place by selecting the right plants, not overplanting, not overwatering or fertilizing, selecting materials with recycled content or that are sustainalby harveste. And to compost, much and grasscycle plant debris.
3. NURTURE THE SOIL Remove & store topsoil during construction
Bay-Friendly Landscaping: 7 Principles for Landscaping Sustainably - June 7, 2007 3. NURTURE THE SOIL Remove & store topsoil during construction Protect soil from compaction Defend against erosion Aerate compacted soils Amend soil with compost Mulch Nurture the Soil; soils are living ecosystems and when landscape practices allow the soil food web to thrive it can filter pollution, store water, provide plant nutrients, and help plants resist pests naturally. Practices that build soil health are:
4. CONSERVE WATER Create drought-resistant soils with compost & mulch
Bay-Friendly Landscaping: 7 Principles for Landscaping Sustainably - June 7, 2007 4. CONSERVE WATER Create drought-resistant soils with compost & mulch Grow CA natives or Mediterranean plants Minimize the lawn Group plants by water needs (hydrozoning) Install high -efficiency irrigation systems Install separate water meter for irrigation Design for recycled water, on-site rainwater collection & graywater use Conserve Water; means using a holistic approach of creating drought resistant soils with compost and mulch, selecting plants naturally adapted to summer-dry climates, using stormwater, graywater and recycled water in the landscape as much as possible and using efficient irrigation systems that include self adjusting, weather-based controllers.
5. CONSERVE ENERGY Reduce the need for mowing & Shearing
Bay-Friendly Landscaping: 7 Principles for Landscaping Sustainably - June 7, 2007 5. CONSERVE ENERGY Reduce the need for mowing & Shearing Plant trees to moderate building temperatures Reduce the heat island effect: shade paved areas Shade air conditioners Design lighting carefully Specify local products & suppliers Conserve Energy; by reducing the need for mowing and shearing, by shading buildings and paved areas, using efficient outdoor lighting, and buying local landscape products.
Bay-Friendly Landscaping: 7 Principles for Landscaping Sustainably - June 7, 2007 6. PROTECT WATER & AIR QUALITY Minimize impervious surfaces Keep soil covered Design a system to capture & treat water Use IPM Eliminate decorative lawns Plant Trees Protect Water & Air Quality; through maximizing impervious surfaces and minimizing stormwater runoff, using integrated pest management, minimizing the use of synthetic pesticides and avoiding overuse of fertilizers, reducing fossil fuel consumption, and planting trees to remove CO2 and absorb air pollutants.
Bay-Friendly Landscaping: 7 Principles for Landscaping Sustainably - June 7, 2007 7. CREATE WILDLIFE HABITAT Diversify Choose CA natives first Provide water & shelter Eliminate the use of synthetic pesticides Conserve or restore natural areas & wildlife corridors Create Wildlife Habitat; recognizes that biodiversity is crucial to the health of natural ecosystems and that by using native plants and increasing the diversity of plant palettes, our built landscape can provide food, water, shelter for birds, butterflies, beneficial insects and other creatures.
Benefits of a Regional Approach
Bay-Friendly Landscaping: 7 Principles for Landscaping Sustainably - June 7, 2007 Benefits of a Regional Approach Provides a regional, consistent, unified message Can create a local standard that facilitates participation from landscape professionals and their clients as well as home gardeners. Provides opportunities to leverage resources such as publications, trainings and workshops. Provides opportunity to influence the regional media market. There are benefits to a regional approach to creating a similar message and standard for environmentally friendly landscaping and gardening. It : Provides a regional, consistent, unified message Can create a local standard that facilitates participation from landscape professionals and their clients as well as home gardeners. Provides opportunities to leverage resources such as publications, trainings and workshops. Provides opportunity to influence the regional media market.
Bay-Friendly Landscaping: 7 Principles for Landscaping Sustainably - June 7, 2007 BAY-FRIENDLY Resources Bay-Friendly Landscape Guidelines: Sustainable Practices for the Landscape Professional Bay-Friendly Gardening: from your backyard to the Bay for Residents The 2 core publications that define Bay-Friendly are the Landscape Guidelines for Professionals and for residents the Bay-Friendly Gardening. The Guidelines for Landscape professionals was reviewed by a diverse panel of Landscape professionals in the public and private sectors and by small and large firms. These materials were developed by StopWaste.Org a public agency overseeing waste and recycling planning and programs in Alameda County. They are being made available for broader distrubution and already approximately 35,000 Bay-Friendly pulbications have been printed by 42 agencies in 8 counties around the Bay Area.
Bay-Friendly Landscaping: 7 Principles for Landscaping Sustainably - June 7, 2007 BAY-FRIENDLY Resources Workshops & Training Programs Workshop Series for residents Landscaper Maintenance Training & Qualification Program Design Professional Workshops Bay-Friendly Conference There is curriculum available for workshops and trainings that include: (See slide) Workshop Series for residents Landscaper Maintenance Training & Qualification Program Design Professional Workshops In addition Alameda County is hosting a regional Bay-Friendly Landsaping & Gardening Conference this year.
Bay-Friendly Landscaping: 7 Principles for Landscaping Sustainably - June 7, 2007 BAY-FRIENDLY Resources For the Residents Bay-Friendly Garden Tour Bay-Friendly Nursery Program For Local Governments Bay-Friendly Scorecard for Civic & Commercial Landscapes Model landscape policies Model specification language for construction documents and maintenance contracts Other resources besides publications and trainings include: For Residents Bay-Friendly Garden Tour which demonstrates Bay-Friendly practices to the home gardener Bay-Friendly Nursery Program which labels plants as Bay-Friendly in participating nurseries. For Local Governments Bay-Friendly Scorecard for Civic & Commercial Landscapes which gives new landscape designs an environmental rating. Model landscape policies- which requires all new civic landscapes to meet a minimum score on the landscape scorecard and encourages the use of the Bay-Friendly guidelines and scorecard in the private sector. Model specification language for construction documents and maintenance contracts
Make A Difference Sign the Declaration of Support for the
Bay-Friendly Landscaping: 7 Principles for Landscaping Sustainably - June 7, 2007 Make A Difference Sign the Declaration of Support for the 7 Bay-Friendly Landscape Principles And be recognized at the Bay-Friendly Conference as a leader in sustainable landscaping on February 29, 2008 Learn more about the Bay-Friendly Coalition, consider becoming a member. Please take the time today to endorse the 7 Bay-Friendly Landscaping Principles and be recognized at the regional Bay-Friendly Landscaping conference as a leader in sustainable landscaping. The conference is expected to attract up to 500 people involved in the landscaping and gardening industry, from professional, public sector to motivated home gardeners. Learn more about the Bay-Friendly Landscape coalition and consider becoming a member. Over 20 organizations - Water Districts, Stormwater Districts, Waste Management Authorities, Municipalities and NGO’s – have been meeting to form a Coalition to leverage resources and maximize benefits of the B-F program. You can contact Martha Berthelsen at the Watershed Project to find out more on how to become a member.
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