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What do Researchers and Research Infrastructures need from e-Infrastructures Franciska de Jong executive director CLARIN ERIC DI4R.

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Presentation on theme: "What do Researchers and Research Infrastructures need from e-Infrastructures Franciska de Jong executive director CLARIN ERIC DI4R."— Presentation transcript:

1 What do Researchers and Research Infrastructures need from e-Infrastructures Franciska de Jong executive director CLARIN ERIC DI4R Krakow 29 September 2016

2 CLARIN in four bullets CLARIN is the Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure that provides easy and sustainable access for scholars in the humanities and social sciences and beyond to digital language data (in written, spoken, video or multimodal form), and advanced tools to discover, explore, exploit, annotate, analyse or combine them, wherever they are located.

3 CLARIN ERIC in members and centres
A consortium of countries: 19 members: AT, BG, CZ, DE, DK, DLU, EE, FI, GR, HU, IT, LT, LV, NL, NO, PL, PT, SE, SI 1 observer: UK

4 CLARIN in data types Parliamentary records Literary texts
Social Media data Historical letters Oral History data Disciplinary libraries Institutional archival data Broadcast archives Newspaper archives ….

5 CLARIN and end-users: lessons learnt
User ambitions tend to be conservative, so …. a bit of technology push can be good, but .. .. the functionality that tools have to offer should support scholars in the workflows they know, rather than steer the exploration of data, or the application of tools in ways that are not understood, so … user needs should be kept in focus. Scholarly insights and conlusions without modes for validating/replicating the results have difficulty to gain trust , so … black boxes have little added value And don’t call them users if you want them to listen to you!

6 CLARIN and e-Infrastructures
3 CLARIN centres were among the founders of EUDAT Member of EUDAT2020 project B2SAFE: good value proposition for CLARIN ‘in’ RDA EGI: some CLARIN central services running at CESNET (Czech NREN) Collaboration in Parthenos-project (H2020) with focus on community needs and requirements in CLARIN and DARIAH

7 Long tail: data, users, tools, methodologies

8 Long tail: data, users, tools, methodologies
Fragmentation? Diversity!

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