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Angelly Elias Varela Rebeca Fdz. Del Pino

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1 Angelly Elias Varela Rebeca Fdz. Del Pino

2 Carne & Co. describe themselves as the only bistro butchery of Santo Domingo. They have all cuts of beef, pork, lamb, and beef. Their animals are bred by themselves in El Seibo which guarantees freshness in every meal. They also have a pretty extensive menu to eat at the restaurant.

3 Online And Traditional Marketing Tools
The company is currently using almost every possible type of marketing tool. In the case of online tools: They have their own website in which you can see their menu as well as their phone number. The social media outlets that they are using are: facebook, twitter and instagram. They are really active in the marketing strategy, sending newsletters to a broad list of clients and use search engine marketing as well.


5 As for the traditional tools they implement are:
Promotions such as, discounts, sales packages, flyers and brochures. Also advertisements like print publications in magazines and things of the sort.

6 Customer Acquisition Techniques
In order to acquire new clients they are constantly sending out one time promos and offers so that everyone can have a taste of their products at a lower price. They use marketing and social media to get their name out there and make themselves known to the public.


8 Customer Retention Techniques
To retain their customers they often introduce new products to their menu. And also, improve the ones that they already have. They give out discounts to their clients. They use social media and marketing to keep their clients interested and updated.




12 Website and Customer Service
The company’s website is fairly simple and does not contribute a lot to their marketing. The main problems with it are: It is not updated that frequently. They provide their phone numbers and means of communication but they do not offer online customer service.

13 They should invest a little more time, effort and money in their website because of the fact that it is one of the main sources of online marketing any company has. And right now theirs is just not useful enough. Also, they should work a little more in their customer service. They should implement it online to make things run smoother and to be able to reach a bigger amount of clients.

14 American restaurant located in Denver, Colorado
American restaurant located in Denver, Colorado. It is a meat-centric eatery with on-site butcher. Locally sourced meat is on offer raw, in housemade sausages or prepared at this narrow place.



17 WEBSITES: Carne & Co. vs Butcher’s Bistro
Simple Not Updated No Online Customer Service Provide the Menu Provide Contact Information Very Intricate Updated News and Events No Online Customer Service Provide the Menu Provide Contact Information

18 Mobile Technology Finding New 'Mobile Habits' Is Key
Enhance Your Customers' Mobile Experiences Self-expression Is Another Very Important Part Of Mobile Mobile Strategy Should Be Localized Research Your Strategy

19 2015 Summary Trends A simpler app experience for consumers.
Increased personalization of mobile apps. Wearable technology.

20 Mobile Marketing Channels
Smartphone Responsive Websites Google Webmaster Tools

21 Steps to Develop a Mobile Marketing Campaign
Step 1: figure out what your target market wants and offer it. Step 2: align what your target market wants with your desired outcome. Step 3: choose the right mobile marketing tool for this campaign. Step 4: launch your mobile marketing campaign and market it. Step 5: track what is working and make any necessary adjustments.

22 Integrated Marketing Communication
Is the application of consistent brand messaging across both traditional and non-traditional marketing channels and using different promotional methods to reinforce each other. HOW CAN IT BE IMPLEMENTED IN BOTH COMPANIES?


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