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District Mathematics Leadership Meeting – October 17, 2016

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Presentation on theme: "District Mathematics Leadership Meeting – October 17, 2016"— Presentation transcript:

1 District Mathematics Leadership Meeting – October 17, 2016
Success for Each Child and Eliminate the Opportunity Gap District Mathematics Leadership Meeting – October 17, 2016 Please sign in and find/make a name tag. Help yourself to snacks and coffee/tea Wireless: PSESD Guest Greta – intro and set up.

2 Focus for the Year How might we, the mathematics education community, make a difference in the teaching and learning of mathematics that promote rich, rigorous, and relevant mathematical experiences for all students? What key actions should we consider?

3 Learning Targets We will strengthen our ability to:
Develop and sustain a community of learners that focuses on putting the shifts into practice that reflect the CCSS vision; both around making sense of the mathematics and demonstrating that understanding.  Deepen our understanding of resources and opportunities to support CCSS and the Smarter Balanced Assessment system. Learn together how to design, deliver, and evaluate the effectiveness of professional learning that bridges the knowing-doing gap. 

4 Agenda Welcome – Learning from each other Doing Math
An Equity Perspective: Rich, relevant, & rigorous mathematics for all students Supporting Professional Learning: How do we bridge the gap between knowing and doing? Resources and Opportunities Closing and Next Steps Lunch : Continued Networking

5 Networking – Sharing our Practice
Thinking about your role: One or two of your current improvement efforts in supporting mathematics Efforts to provide rich, relevant, and rigorous mathematics for all students Efforts to support your colleagues on-going early learning around mathematics, teaching practices, and belief systems Remy

6 Networking – Sharing our Practice
Thinking about your role in supporting math improvement efforts: Questions, Successes, & Barriers Private Think Time to respond Find someone not at your table. Take two minutes each share your responses to the first question. Repeat sharing with different category and new partner. Remy

7 Networking – Sharing our Practice
Thinking about your role in supporting math improvement efforts: Questions, Successes, & Barriers Private Think Time to respond Find someone not at your table. Take two minutes each share your responses to the FIRST question. Repeat sharing with different category and new partner.

8 Networking – Sharing our Practice
Thinking about your role in supporting math improvement efforts: Questions, Successes, & Barriers Private Think Time to respond Find someone not at your table. Take two minutes each share your responses to the first question. Find a new partner, Take two minutes to share responses to the second question.

9 Networking – Sharing our Practice
Thinking about your role in supporting math improvement efforts: Questions, Successes, & Barriers Private Think Time to respond Find a new partner, Take two minutes to share responses to the last question.

10 Doing Math Together Are these equations True or False?
Explain how you know without Computing Private Think Time Discuss in a duet Meet in a quartet

11 True or False Are these equations True or False?
Explain how you know without Computing 3 9 = 3 4 = = 2 6 PTT: Solo Duet Quartet Have a few minutes of PTT – meet in pairs to compare and refine In quartets – to compare thinking Whole group share out – next slide Downloaded from Pixabay

12 True or False Are these equations True or False?
Explain how you know without Computing 3 9 = 3 4 = = 2 6 PTT: Solo Duet Quartet Have a few minutes of PTT – meet in pairs to compare and refine In quartets – to compare thinking Whole group share out – next slide Downloaded from Pixabay

13 True or False Are these equations True or False?
Explain how you know without Computing 3 9 = 3 4 = = 2 6 PTT: Solo Duet Quartet Have a few minutes of PTT – meet in pairs to compare and refine In quartets – to compare thinking Whole group share out – next slide Downloaded from Pixabay

14 What did you hear that helped you understand fractions in a new light?
True or False What did you hear that helped you understand fractions in a new light? 3 9 = 3 4 = = 2 6 Whole group share out – True or False Equations is an Instructional Activity from the UW – we will be exploring this routine as part of our later conversation. Downloaded from Pixabay

15 Instructional Practices
An Equity Perspective: Rich, relevant, rigorous mathematics for all students Instructional Practices Mathematics Greta – set up the reading – in the context of NCSM’s study of equity? Beliefs

16 Four “A”s Text Protocol
Purpose: to explore a text deeply in light of one’s own values and intentions What Assumptions does the author of the text hold? What do you Agree with in the text? What do you want to Argue with in the text? What parts of the text do you want to Aspire to or Act upon? Adapted from Judith Gray, Seattle, WA 2005

17 Four “A”s Text Protocol
Four Rounds – Go around sharing your responses to each prompt – starting with a different person each time. What Assumptions does the author of the text hold? What do you Agree with in the text? What do you want to Argue with in the text? What parts of the text do you want to Aspire to or Act upon? Adapted from Judith Gray, Seattle, WA 2005

18 What are the implications for our work as District Math Leaders?

19 Supporting Professional Learning: How do we bridge the disconnect between knowing/doing gap?

20 Teacher Education by Design

21 In the introduction – teachers have the opportunity to learn about the instructional activity, to learn the mathematics, and to learn about how children understand the mathematics.

22 Primer

23 Benchmarks in the Development of Understanding the Equal Sign
Children can explain what they think the equal sign means. Children accept number sentences that are not in the form of a + b = c. Children recognize that the equal sign represents a relation between two numbers ­- the equal sign means “the same as” and they calculate the quantities on each side. Children can compare the mathematical expressions without actually carrying out the calculations Based on Carpenter, T., Franke, M., & Levi, L. (2003).


25 Planning Tool Step 1: Choose and Prepare a True/False Task
Step 2: Introduce Task to Students Step 3: Turn & Talk Step 4: Elicit Student Ideas Step 5: work toward Justification Step 6: Closing the Task



28 How can this design help us bridge the disconnect between knowing and doing? How can we better assess the impact of professional learning?

29 Next Steps?

30 Resources & Opportunities
The handout has information and resources for: Upcoming learning opportunities Resources from today Greta

31 Get Connected – Be in the Know!
Learn of opportunities to be involved in state-wide initiatives and assessment development Links to excellent math resources Math assessment updates Sign up for OSPI’s Gov Delivery ber/new

32 2016 Mathematics Menu Updates
No longer a Legislative Report User-Friendly Focus New Menu Entry Template Updated MTSS & Assessment Messaging Updated LAP Messaging New Section on Implementation Science New website layout Printable Entries Mathematics Menu of Best Practices and Strategies 2016 Menu Updates Screencast

33 Bridge to CollegeMathematics
Fourth-year (senior-level) course designed for students scoring a Level 2 on the Smarter Balanced high school assessment (11th grade). Students who earn a “B” or better in the Bridge Course are eligible to enter credit- bearing coursework in any of the State of Washington Community and Technical Colleges. ridgetoCollege/ 11 Mathematics Course Trainers 26 Regional Bridge Teams @170 teachers

34 Smarter Balanced Assessment System

35 Smarter Balanced Website
New layout and format! More user friendly.

36 Smarter Balanced Mathematics IABs – New for 2016–17
Grade 3 Number and Operations in Base Ten  Grade 4 Geometry  Measurement and Data  Grade 5 Operations and Algebraic Thinking  Grade 6 The Number System  Statistics and Probability  Grade 7 Geometry  Grade 8 Expressions & Equations II (w/ Prob/Stat)  Grade 11 Statistics and Probability

37 Washington SBA Portal

38 Digital Library: What’s new and exciting now?
SEARCH functionality: New filtering to narrow search results Re-tagging effort Focusing CCSS standards (and practices for math) to narrow search results Clarifying Subjects and Domains (i.e. ELA-Reading Literature), and grade Become a new SNE (State Network of Educators): Create, submit and review resources Earn honorariums ($$$) Participate in collaborative professional learning opportunities Applications now being accepted

39 Digital Library: Upcoming Enhancements
Smarter Balanced is working with a new vendor to make enhancements to the Digital Library based on feedback from educators and focus groups within the consortium Phase 1 – Late October 2016 Improved search speed Decrease time spent by about 40% Playlists – NEW collection of resources connected to same topic Progression of skills/understanding – Aligned to interim blocks Grouping of resources – connected to CCSS or other Self-Registration Tool – users will be able to manage own account available December

40 Digital Library: Upcoming Enhancements
Phase 2 – Early January Improved Resource Tagging Options Resources will be able to be tagged with Smarter Balanced Assessment targets Favorites Collections Users can create favorites collections and share in forums District and Regional Forums Local groups can discuss, build, and review resources together

41 Digital Library & Interim Assessments
The SBA is working to make intentional connections between the assessment system and instruction. They are working on creating instructional supports for the interim assessments that will provide teachers with resources they can use to help support students in areas they did not show proficiency. The Digital Library will have a document for each grade and IAB within that grade showing resources within the DL to support those students who scored below proficiency, resources for students who scored at or near proficiency, and resources for students who scored above proficiency on the given IAB. An initial sample document will be posted in the Digital Library sometime in September. SBA will continue to develop these support documents throughout the year for each grade level.

42 COE – Collection of Evidence

43 COE Updates Revised web page broken into shorter reading sections
New training modules coming soon Intro – Part I and II Lessons Learned Classroom Implementation Revised Moodle - Instructional tasks have had a few changes to them Rubrics have been updated to reflect changes made during range-finding Exemplars more reflect student work we saw in scoring

44 COE Mathematics Basic Idea:
Western WA Workshop October 28, 2016 at ESD 113 Basic Idea: Five tasks centered on key functions or areas of study Linear equations and functions Quadratic functions Exponential and logarithmic functions Rational, polynomials, radicals and functions Trigonometric ratios and functions OR data analysis and stats Students complete one task from each section

45 NW Math Conference Keynote Speaker Yakima Convention Center
Friday October 21st – Evening Saturday October 22nd – All day Sunday October 23rd - Morning Michael Stevens from VSauce - Host of “videos that feed the curious and illuminate the amazing” How to Count Past Infinity, When Will We Run Out of Names, What is the Speed of Dark, What is Random, Featured Speakers Early Numeracy: Setting the Foundation for the Future The CCSS Standards for Mathematical Practice: Engaging Students in Learning Post-Secondary Education: Preparing for Tomorrow STEAM: Driving Innovation in Learning Assessment: Deepening Understanding Ruth Parker Steve Leinwand Sand Atkins

46 Early Mathematics Early Mathematics Facilitator’s Training Provide Early Math professional development in your region. Operations and Algebraic Thinking (PK-2nd) – Oct 20th & 21st – ESD 105

47 Please complete the AESD Survey
Wrap Up 2016 – 17 District Math Leaders Meetings December 5 February 6 March 27 May 8 Please complete the AESD Survey Lunch : Continued Networking And +/delta survey

48 Greta Bornemann Leslie Nielsen Remy Poon
Greta Bornemann Leslie Nielsen Remy Poon

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