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DSpace Architecture Review Meeting

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Presentation on theme: "DSpace Architecture Review Meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 DSpace Architecture Review Meeting
MIT, Cambridge, MA October 2006

2 Meeting objectives To come up with a manifesto for the dspace development community To plan a roadmap for the 1.x branch of dspace To decide on the roadmap for DSpace 2.0 To revisit the abstract and concrete information models To determine what research/evaluation needs to be done into 3rd party toolkits Scalability requirements

3 Manifesto

4 The future for 1.x 1.5 to include the following Manakin
Cut down Add-On mech to get us started Configurable Submission System As many patches off the patch queue as we can RC: Scott Phillips, RC backup: Richard Jones 1.6 proposals Move over to Manakin as primary UI Start to deprecate JSPs 1.7 proposals Deprecate JSPs - no further development

5 Research to be done for 2.0 Application Framework: Slide/OSGi etc.
Workflow Engine: Open Symphony etc Storage mechanism: JSR-170 etc Sub groups have been formed whose remit is to research each of these areas and report back by the new year

6 Information Model Revisited

7 Information Model Expanded
This includes how versions will be identified within the new architecture

8 Scalability Requirements
10 million item archive No limit imposed by DSpace on item size Ingest should not exceed 1 second per item (not including transfer) in a 10 million item archive 10 concurrent updaters 100 concurrent readers

9 2.0 Roadmap Evaluation of 3rd party tools (Christmas)
Obtain funding for development time Rewrite under supervision of architecture review (utilising as much 1.x code as is feasible) estimated time: 1 year

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