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Confirmed attendees (as of 31/01/2017) Address Organisation

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1 Integrated Urgent Care System: Mental Health crisis response (Single Point of Contact)
Confirmed attendees (as of 31/01/2017) Address Organisation Anderson Claire Plymouth City Council Bray Nicola NEW Devon CCG Burton Kerry Clasby Tracy Livewell Southwest Collins Chris Devon County Council Cordy Martin Dale Kerrie DPT Faircloth Emily Fitzsimmons Elaine Gale Jim Devon & Cornwall Police Gardner Cathy Torbay & South Devon NHS Foundation Trust Hill Vicky Virgin Care Hinsley Sharon Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust Jones Lewis RD&E Keedwell Paul McCormick Shelagh Miller Stephen Moore Julia Rooke Graham Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service Sawyer Mark University of Exeter Smith Miriam Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust Taylor Crispin Turl Jo South Devon & Torbay CCG Unstead Gill Wenman James SWAST Wiggin Justin Torbay Council Emily Faircloth

2 Introduction and context
Key Deliverablies for Mental Health Transformation (5YFV). By 2020: Accountable for: Commission effective 24/7 Crisis Response and Home Treatment Teams as an alternative to acute admissions Eliminate out of area treatment for non-specialist acute care ‘Core 24’ standard for mental health psychiatric liaison in acute hospitals Supporting: Data quality and transparency Reduction of suicides by 10% Facilitation Notes: Shelagh covering this slide A welcome & gratitude to those in attendance. For those who were unable to attend, an online questionnaire will be available to contribute to the development of the SPoC. If anyone present knows of anyone who would like to / needs to contribute please either contact or share the link to the questionnaire given at the end of the meeting. Housekeeping: Fire drills / exits, loos refreshments timings for the event Outcomes for the meeting – ask if anyone present has anything else they’d like to cover during the meeting…

3 Crisis Care Concordat Priorities
1. Access to support before crisis 2. Urgent and Emergency access to crisis care Ensuring people with mental health problems can get help and they are taken seriously, addressing inequalities Increased involvement with people with lived experience and support for carers Ensuring that mental health crisis is treated with the same urgency as physical crisis i.e s136 policy, consistent triage Ensuring 24/7 access to crisis care via a single point of contact for all ages (111) Safe places are available for all ages 3. Quality of treatment and care when in crisis 4. Recovery and staying well An integrated approach to physical and mental illness (including conveyance) Reducing length of stays with increased community support Enhanced role of primary care and work with secondary care Promoting and teaching resilience Providing care closer to home Ensure people get referred to appropriate services Support for carers (‘Triangle of Care’)

4 Acute Care Pathway Mapping
Facilitation Notes: NB covering this slide Copies of the pathway map created by Alexander will be available on the walls around the room and will be used as a framework to guide the group discussions The meeting will focus specifically on the RED areas of the Single Point of Contact part of the pathway map.

5 The Devon Single Point of Contact
Our Ambition Plan and implement a Single Point of Contact (SPoC) to MH crisis services in Devon. (Priority 3) Effective working interfaces with all other access points (MH providers, Ambulance, Police, FRS etc.) Widely known and used A clear link between the capability required in the SPoC and the ‘bill’ to organisations that will need to support it. For the purposes of marketing and public information the Single Point of Contact will lie entirely behind the 111 service and will be a ‘person’, not a capability. E.g: ‘call 111 to talk to a person about any mental health matter that concerns you’. Detailed design needs to be built up from individual cases and experiences. Facilitation Notes: Emily covering this slide Priority 3 of the Devon Crisis Care Concordat Action Plan, developed in 2015 and revised in 2016 states our commitment to implement a Single Point of Contact. This strategy is supported by service users and carers in “I statements” and summary of “What good Looks like” “When I’m in a pickle I will know who to call – or someone else will know who to call – so that I can receive the best help for me..”

6 Current Service Provision
Clinical Assessment Service (CAS) based in 111 service: provided on an ad hoc basis by DPT Mental Health Matters (Livewell Southwest): Available for patients with ongoing care. Available 5pm - 9am Monday to Friday 24/7 Weekends and Bank holidays – available for people already on caseload Single Point of Access (DPT): Launched in 2016 with circa 250 calls per week – available people already on crisis caseload Single Point of Access (Virgin Care): 24/7 available to those known and unknown to service Cornwall – people living in Cornwall will access the Cornwall 111 service (mapped via their telephone number) Facilitation Notes: Emily covering this slide One could say that there is already a 24/7 crisis line available in Devon for MH crisis. However: It is only available to people who are known to MH services (MH crisis caseload for DPT) The number is different for Livewell and DPT – SPoC offers a universal number across Devon There is variation across Devon in the response to MH crisis e.g out of hours operates at different times, Livewell outsources its Single Point of Access. MH providers currently work independently 111 service provides an opportunity for out of hours MH crisis support to be equitable to working hours.

7 The case for change Current State Future State
Multiple points of access to MH services across Devon Pathway variation between children’s, adult and older people’s MH services Variable hours of operation and access Variable access to clinical advice, assessment and intervention ? Support for those not known to MH services ? Support for carers and others A 24 / 7 response, all age, single point of contact Available to all: self referral and response to carers, GP and health & education professionals Rapid access to advice and intervention People are seen in the appropriate service at the right time Improved flow and use of limited resources Facilitation Notes: Emily covering this slide A summary of the current position of Devon and the future state… To reduce: Variation Complexity Bottle necks in the system To enable: System / service resilience Effective response to variations in demand Prevention of MH crisis by getting people to right places in the pathway (eventually)

8 Information Collection & Routing
Initial Response Team South of Tyne and Wear REQUEST FOR HELP ROUTING ST UCT OPS LD ICTS SL UCT GH UCT Home Based Treatment Assessment Gatekeeping Information Collection & Routing 11 Triage & Action Gateshead Rapid Response Nurses South Tyneside Sunderland

Person with MH need Carer of person with MH need GP or other healthcare professional Member of the public CLINICAL ASSESSMENT SERVICE GP, A&E etc MH Clinical TRIAGE Telephone advice & counselling Other disposition Facilitation Notes: NB covering this slide Copies of this diagram will be available on the wall around the room This is a DRAFT diagram to help discussion and amendments are welcome (Post it notes will be provided) Elaine has also provided an outline model of how 111 works which could be used with this diagram All known and unknown children in crisis Known to any service (Mental Health Matters) ** Expand to known to DPT Known to crisis team or new referral to crisis ** PROVIDER SINGLE POINTS OF ACCESS

10 Key requirements for the clinical assessment service
Workforce – capacity and skill mix Access to clinical records Use of Intelligent Voice Recognition (IVR) to direct people immediately into the CAS CAS community service interface – no decision made alone Interface with existing provider Single Point of Access Interface with pathways and services Facilitation Notes: E Fitz covering this slide

11 Next steps… Further engagement to develop and agree service specifications for a Devon wide SPoC Develop and agree the business case and mobilisation plan Embed crisis plan in STP delivery programme Agree timescale for launch of the SPoC Review of Crisis Response and Home Treatment Teams Mobilisation to include clinical workshops & training Build comprehensive Directory of Services (DoS) Facilitation Notes: NB or EF covering this slide

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