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Keep working hard Class of 2019!

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Presentation on theme: "Keep working hard Class of 2019!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Keep working hard Class of 2019!
Junior Year Keep working hard Class of 2019!

2 10th -12th Grade Counselors
Welcome! Aiken High School Counseling Department 10th -12th Grade Counselors Ms. Renee Harper– A-E Ms. Leslie Bright– F-I Ms. Sally Tice– J-Q Ms. Gray Hagler- R-Z 9th Grade Counselor- Ms. Lauren Bowling Counseling Staff Ms. Joanne Lietzow- Guidance Secretary Ms. Rachelle Stokes- Registrar

3 Diploma Requirements

4 Preparing for Senior Year
If you plan to attend college, start visiting now Start building your academic resume now- keep track of activities, clubs, awards, etc. If you are not yet doing any volunteering/community service, consider doing something in an area where you have a passion. Sign up for Raise. Me- scholarships starting in the 9th grade

5 Big Year for Testing!!! College Ready Testing ACT - February 27th
SAT - March 7th Career Ready Testing Still being determined by the state department In the past, the students have taken the Workkeys Assessment at the end of March.

6 ACT/SAT Choice Letter

7 PSAT Results can be linked to Khan Academy for SAT Prep

8 Spring 2018 SAT and ACT Dates & Deadlines
SAT- $60 with Essay ACT- $62 with Essay Sat, March 23- Deadline to Register- February 9 Sat, May 5- Deadline to Register- April 6 Sat, June 2- Deadline to Register- May 3 Sat, February 10- Deadline to Register- January 12 Sat, April 14 (not at AHS)- Deadline to Register- March 9 Sat, June 9- Deadline to Register- May 4 Sat, July 14- Deadline to Register- June 15

You are also eligible for Fee Waivers to take both the SAT and the ACT (you can take them for free!) You have 2 waivers per test to be used during your junior and/or senior year See Mrs. Lietzow in Guidance to get your waivers

10 IGP Meetings October Individual Graduation Plan meeting is essential for a successful senior year. Parents should attend. Please make sure before you leave you stop by the table in the lobby and make select your appointment time.

11 NCAA (Playing sports in College)
Go to NCAA Clearinghouse to register in the spring of junior year You must send SAT/ACT scores directly to NCAA code “9999” If you take SAT/ACT on a fee waiver you qualify for NCAA fee waiver DO NOT take core classes outside of AHS. No official college visits allowed for junior athletes with the exception of basketball players. See Ms. Bright for details Go to for more information

12 College Days Juniors & Seniors are allowed 2 college day visits
Form in guidance must be taken to the visit. Your counselor must be notified in advance of the visit. After the visit – students must submit proof (the form signed and completed) from the visit that they attended

13 Job Shadowing All Aiken High School students have 2 excused absences from school to Job Shadow. Why should you job shadow? Real life experience in a job you’re thinking about Find out info you can’t find out in other ways See the your counselor for Job Shadowing opportunities

14 Remind 101 Sign up to receive important Senior information about Josten’s, Yearbook, Honor’s Day, etc. etc. etc. Both Students and Parents sign up! to 81010

15 Dual/Concurrent Enrollment at USC-Aiken or Aiken Tech

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