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Modern America: Industrialization & Capitalism

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Presentation on theme: "Modern America: Industrialization & Capitalism"— Presentation transcript:

1 Modern America: Industrialization & Capitalism
Discussion: What is capitalism? Modern America: Industrialization & Capitalism

2 Modern America: Industrialization & Capitalism
Consequences of Industrialization Change in work culture Living by the clock Class formation

3 Modern America: Industrialization & Capitalism
Change in work culture: independent to factory employee

4 Modern America: Industrialization & Capitalism
Factory work Skilled vs. unskilled labor American system of manufacturing Scientific management – Frederick Winslow Taylor

5 Modern America: Industrialization & Capitalism
Women in factories moved to urban centers boarding houses Child labor under 14 years textiles & mining

6 Factory Towns “16 Tons” Some people say a man is made outta mud A poor man's made outta muscle and blood Muscle and blood and skin and bones A mind that's a-weak and a back that's strong You load sixteen tons, what do you get Another day older and deeper in debt Saint Peter don't you call me 'cause I can't go I owe my soul to the company store

7 Modern America: Industrialization & Capitalism
Living by the clock Factory bell & gates 10-14 hour workdays Impact of railroads 1883, standard time zones established

8 Railroad Industry Jay Gould Speculation & the New York Stock Exchange
Subsidized by land grants and tax incentives

9 Modern America: Industrialization & Capitalism
Wheeler & Wilson Bridgeport, CT

10 Modern America: Industrialization & Capitalism
“Of one thing we are convinced, that while improved machinery is gathering our large crops, making our boots and shoes, doing the work of our carpenters, stone sawyers, and builders, thousands of able, willing men are going from place to place seeking employment, and finding none. The question naturally arises, is improved machinery a blessing or a curse?” - Agricultural worker

11 Modern America: Industrialization & Capitalism
Class Formation

12 The Middle Class A Growing Middle Class Middle-class Women
Most middle-class Americans working outside of the home were salaried employees of large businesses. They made up a new class of “white-collar” professionals. Unmarried, educated women were also a growing component of the middle class. Educated, middle-class women took on an increased role in public life and raised the “woman question” regarding woman’s role in American society. Photo Caption (top): Office typists. In new roles enabled by typewriters, women served as clerks or secretaries at many offices, such as the Remington Typewriter Company, pictured here. Photo Caption (bottom): College women. By the end of the century, women made up more than a third of college students. Here, an astronomy class at New York’s Vassar College is underway in 1880.

13 Modern America: Industrialization & Capitalism
Consumer Culture Advertising Department Stores Mail-Order Catalogs

14 Modern America: Industrialization & Capitalism
Mark Twain, The Gilded Age Andrew Carnegie (steel) Vertical integration John D. Rockefeller (oil) Horizontal integration

15 Modern America: Industrialization & Capitalism
Key terms: Scientific Management, Factory Towns, St. Monday, Gilded Age, Montgomery Ward,

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