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Global Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) discussion and Sarvodaya Sarvodaya’s contribution to the SDGs 2015/16 and beyond Annual General Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Global Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) discussion and Sarvodaya Sarvodaya’s contribution to the SDGs 2015/16 and beyond Annual General Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) discussion and Sarvodaya Sarvodaya’s contribution to the SDGs 2015/16 and beyond Annual General Meeting 17th December 2016 Chamindha Rajakaruna (Attorney-at-Law) Executive Director

2 Development vs. Sustainable Development
The development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Resources are limited, but population.. Inequity.. Dignity.. Human security.. Environmental sustainability..

3 Figure: Levels of awakening
Our development model Participatory community development with, - Spiritual Moral - Cultural - Social - Economic - Political Development To satisfy the basic needs of people Suit and preserve local values & respect local knowledge Innovation and experimentation over 6 decades Positively adapted as alternative development model in the world Figure: Levels of awakening

4 Where we can meet “Sustainable Development”?
1. Environment 2. Water 3. Energy 4. Food 5. Cloth 6. Health 7. Housing 8. Holistic Education 9. Transport & Communication 10. Cultural & Spiritual needs

5 Global Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) discussion
SDGs are a bold, universal agreement to end poverty in all its dimensions and craft an equal, just and secure world for people, planet and prosperity by 2030 In Rio+20 conference 2012, member States decided to launch a process to develop a set of SDGs which will build upon the MDGs and converge with the post 2015 development agenda. 193 UN members unanimously adopted SDGs on September 15, 2015 at 70th UN General Assembly 17 SDGs


7 Total Awakening and well-being of all
The Unprecedented Significance “more globally collaborative and inclusive” Total Awakening and well-being of all

8 Total Awakening and well-being of all: Sarvodaya mission
5 Ps of SDGs

9 G17 Partnerships for the goals
G4 Quality Education G17 Partnerships for the goals Consciousness Power Economy G1 No poverty G2 No hunger G6 Clean water and sanitation G7 Renewable energy G8 Good jobs and economic growth G12 Responsible consumption G5 Gender equality G10 Reduce inequalities G16 Peace and justice

10 Sarvodaya’s contribution for a better world
07 targets Eradicate extreme poverty (including child poverty) – SEEDS, SDF Create social protection systems – Sarvodaya communities Men and women have equal rights to economic resources – Deshodaya, SWM Build resilience among poor and vulnerable to social environmental shocks and disasters – DMU Create sound policy frameworks based on pro-poor and gender-sensitive development strategies – Sarvodaya 08 targets End hunger (special focus on poor and infants) – Sarvodaya farms End all forms of malnutrition – Suwasetha, SWM Double the agriculture productivity and incomes – Sarvodaya farms, SDF Ensure sustainable food production systems – Sarvodaya farms

11 11 targets End epidemics of AIDS, malaria – Sarvodaya community health interventions Strengthen the prevention of narcotic drugs and harmful use of alcohol Half the deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents – Sarvodaya projects Access to reproductive and sexual health care – SWM Universal access to health-care services – Sarvodaya projects Access to Health as fundamental right campaign 10 targets Ensure all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood development – ECDU and child protection Ensure all men and women have access to technical, vocational training, decent jobs and entrepreneurship – Fusion, Sarvodaya projects Eliminate gender disparities – Sarvodaya projects All learners acquire knowledge and skills to promote sustainable development – SIHL

12 09 targets End all forms of discrimination, violence against women and girls – Deshodaya, SWM Recognize and value unpaid care and domestic work – Sarvodaya communities Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership – Sarvodaya communities, SWM Enhance the use of enabling technologies, in particular ICT – Fusion 08 targets Achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water – SRTS, Deshodaya Achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all – Sarvodaya projects Increase water-use efficiencies across all sectors – SRTS, SIHL Protect and restore water related ecosystems – Deshodaya Support and strengthen the local community participation in improving water and sanitation – SRTS, Sarvodaya communities

13 05 targets Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all men and women – Sarvodaya projects and SDF Reduce the proportion of youth not in employment, education or training Devise and implement sustainable tourism that creates jobs, promote local culture and products – International unit 08 targets Increase the access to small scale industrial and other enterprises – SRTS, SEEDS, SDF, Fusion Increase access to information and communication technology – Fusion

14 09 targets Achieve and sustain the income growth of the bottom 40 percent of the population – Sarvodaya communities, SDF Empower and promote social, economic and political inclusion for all – Deshodaya Ensure equal opportunities, reduce inequalities, eliminate discriminatory laws, policies and practices – Deshodaya 09 targets Basic services and upgrading slums – Sarvodaya projects Enhance participatory, integrated and sustainable human settlement planning – Deshodaya, SIHL Support positive economic, social and environmental links between urban, peri-urban and rural areas – Sarvodaya communities Community-based disaster risk reduction Disaster related relief and rehabilitation

15 11 targets Ensure that people have everywhere have the relevant information and awareness for sustainable development – Right to Information Develop and implement tools to monitor sustainable development – SIHL, Deshodaya 05 targets Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate related hazards and natural disasters – DMC

16 12 targets Promote rule of law at the national level – Deshodaya Substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms – Deshodaya, Shanthi Sena Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels – Deshodaya Ensure public access to information – Deshodaya Promote non-discriminatory laws and policies for sustainable development Good governance and reconciliation efforts of Sarvodaya Shanthi Sena – youth for peace Sarvodaya projects interventions 17 targets International volunteer exchange – International unit Development Education - SIHL Spiritual healing programs - Vishva Nikethan

17 May the rains come on time..
May the fields flourish with yield.. May the minds of all beings be healed.. May the rulers rule the world in peace and harmony…

18 Thank you so much

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