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3. A Radical New Society Deuteronomy 5:1-27 p

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2 3. A Radical New Society Deuteronomy 5:1-27 p

3 Happy Thanksgiving Ron Corcoran & the Wounded Healer team
Spoke a lot about forgiveness & repentance Return to Deuteronomy Appropriate to encounter 10 Commandments Key pointers on how to live

4 1. Identity Who are you? Jesus’ question to Bartimaeus –
Where does being a Christian fit in the picture? Jesus’ question to Bartimaeus – :What do you want me to do for you? (Mk 10:51)

5 1. Identity . . . Identity Is formed by what we worship.
Things we think will solve problems, meet needs, … Shapes character, choices, goals, relationships, … Ancient people worshipped to appease powers

6 1. Identity . . . Modern societies worship turned on ourselves
Worship knowledge and achievements Hope in technology, education, health, … Find security in money, careers, affirmation Fragile – have new fears: insignificance, rejection God speaks: “I am the LORD (YHWH) your God”

7 2. Meaning What am I here for?
King Solomon: Ecclesiastes 2 “Considered all I had done .. all was vanity” (2:11) His conclusion: “Fear God … keep his Commands” (Eccles. 12:13) Meaning comes from walking with the Lord.

8 3. Formation Formed by what we think
The mindset of movies, TV, … Every form of mass media models behaviour Promotes dissatisfaction. God calls us to a new relationship, new life

9 3. Formation . . . Formed by what we do What forms you?
The construction workers across the road What forms you? How are the demands of life impacting you? How is Christlikeness being formed?

10 – Living It – “A Radical New Society” – “Choose Life” –
Israel to be a stark contrast to her neighbours “Choose Life” – Something God is inviting us to do The woman who suffered from bleeding “If I can touch even his garments, …” (Mk 6:28)


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