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Community Tennis Network

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1 Community Tennis Network

2 Rationale Give a brief outline of your area as it is currently. An overview of population, number of clubs, parks, indoor centres, coaches, officials, club members will all be useful information here. Outline the reasoning behind pursuing funding for new indoor courts in your area? Can you show demand and highlight key figures which demonstrate need?

3 Partnerships Tell us who is involved in the community network and explain how the network will come together?

4 Objectives Provide 3 or 4 high level headline outcomes you envisage as a result of a successful network plan. On the following slide there are 9 focus themes set out as being crucial to any network plan. You may wish to add other themes to your plan, relevant to your area.

5 Focus Themes Clubs Parks & Community Indoor Facilities
Inclusive CommunityTennis Workforce Pathways and Competition Education Outdoor Facilities Marketing Promotion & Events

6 Clubs How will clubs be engaged in the network plan?
What headline interventions will lead to membership and participation growth within clubs? How will clubs benefit from any new indoor provision? What will the projected outcomes be for clubs?

7 Parks Parks play a vital role in some areas, giving people their first taste of tennis. Outline your vision for parks tennis within your network plan, identifying key sites and proposed activity. Demonstrate how park programmes will link closely with other tennis venues, particularly existing or new indoor facilities.

8 Inclusive Community Tennis
The Tennis Scotland Equality Action Plan has identified the following groups as under-represented within our sport; people with a disability, women and girls, and ethnic minorities. Demonstrate how you will increase participation within these areas. Tennis Scotland is committed to developing tennis within SIMD areas, please outline how you will engage with these areas within your plan. Consider how your plan will be inclusive through each of the focus themes.

9 Indoor Facility What are the main objectives for an indoor facility in your area? Who will be the applicant for the indoor facility? Who will be the operator for the indoor facility? What are the estimated costs of building works? Where is the planned site and what are the benefits of this location? Demonstrate throughout each of the focus themes how the development of an indoor facility will benefit the network.

10 Outdoor Facilities Tennis Scotland operates a small outdoor facilities fund available across Scotland, per annum. Please tell us about any developments for outdoor facilities which are crucial to the delivery of your network plan?

11 Marketing Promotion & Events
What will your marketing strategy look like? Consider the demographic of your area. How will you ensure that your marketing is appropriate to engage effectively with different groups? Consider Club Management Tools, Digital Marketing and Promotion E.g. Social Media, Clubspark, GoHitIt, network wide campaigns.

12 Pathways and Competitions
Having a coherent pathway in place for children and adults to improve and play more tennis is essential. By using the below diagram as a guide demonstrate how your area will support a player and competition pathway?

13 Education Education is a crucial part of the pathway, demonstrate clearly how your education programme contributes to the success of the overall network plan. Outline your schools programmes and how it links to other tennis venues. How will Universities and Colleges feature within the wider network plan?

14 Workforce In order to deliver the above plan, outline your workforce requirements. How many additional coaches, and at what level, will you require to make the plan a success? How many additional referees and competition organisers will you require to make the plan a success? What are your plans for the development of volunteers? Outline any additional workforce requirements.

15 Challenges & Risks Please describe the challenges and potential risks you anticipate in the creation and delivery of your Community Tennis Network. This should include: Challenges you anticipate; Why they are anticipated; and Actions you plan to take to overcome or manage those challenges.    Specific areas of support you require from Tennis Scotland and sportscotland to help mitigate these challenges/risks.

16 Summary of Key Targets Provide a table with key targets for the network.

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