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Using the web to survey the UK general population

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1 Using the web to survey the UK general population
@GenPopWeb Using the web to survey the UK general population ESRA conference, Ljubljana, July 2013

2 What 1.

3 @GenPopWeb A network to explore how the web can be used to survey the UK general population Purpose is to exchange knowledge, generate new thinking and work towards resolving the challenge One year grant funded by the National Centre for Research Methods 2 2

4 @GenPopWeb Organising team: Gerry Nicolaas, NatCen Social Research
Peter Lynn, ISER Lisa Calderwood, CLS Caroline Roberts, UNIL UK Core Group: Survey organisations Universities running grant funded social surveys Academic grant funding bodies (ESRC, NCRM) Purpose of UK Core Group is to steer the direction of the network 3 3

5 Focus of the network General population Large scale social surveys
Complex measures and high quality data New surveys as well as existing surveys Cross-sectional surveys as well as longitudinal surveys Web as stand-alone mode or in mixed mode design 4 4

6 Opening Conference (Feb)
Activities in 2013 Map out what we know, debate key issues, identify questions to be answered Opening Conference (Feb) Catalyse problem solving & new thinking Second conference (Jun) 3 full sessions! ESRA conference (Jul) Summary Research agenda Recommendations for infrastructure Final report (Dec) 5 5

7 Main headlines from opening conference

8 Opening conference Presentations on 3 themes
Coverage and sampling: Peter Lynn, Mario Callegaro, Doug Rivers, Louise Morris Participation and engagement: Caroline Roberts, Annette Scherpenzeel, Annemieke Luiten, Jon Puleston Measurement challenges: Lisa Calderwood, Tina Glasner, Peter Lugtig, Mick Couper No detail about the presentations – refer to website (following slide) Workshop with speakers and UK Core group

9 @GenPopWeb website

10 Sampling and coverage 1st mode of contact cannot be web
Dependency on Postcode Address File as a sampling frame Digital divide A main barrier to using web is selection bias Multiple modes of data collection needed Can we enhance address sampling frames with commercial data? Dependency on PAF: No pop registers RDD not feasible (low rr) Can we enhance PAF using commercial data (refer to US work in this area) 1st mode of contact cannot be web: Postal contact introduces selection bias (refer to ESS web experiment presentation) – perhaps need to move away from using respondent selection Digital divide: Offline households and low web response rates suggest that web cannot be used as a standalone mode but may be feasible in mixed mode design

11 Participation and engagement
A main barrier to using web is low level of participation We need to know more about the participant experience in web Mention experiments that use postal contact and incentives to encourage online participation (refer to other ESRA presentations) – appears to be a ceiling of 20%-25% participating online Sequential design strategy with web first and then f2f – final response rate lower than f2f only designs Participant engagement = not just starting the web but putting sufficient effort into providing good quality data and completing it without an interviewer who would otherwise be able to motivate and to help with difficulties

12 Measurement issues Are we looking to replicate or improve?
Measurement is an issue but not a barrier Can we correct for measurement differences using experiments, parallel runs, etc? Mobile web

13 Two distinct issues highlighted:
How to use web in cross-sectional surveys of UK general population? Does the UK need a probability-based web panel?

14 Main conclusions from June workshop

15 2-day workshop in June Focus on two key areas: Format of workshop:
Web data collection for x-sectional surveys of UK general pop A probability-based web panel for the UK Format of workshop: Presentations Panel discussions Open workshop discussions

16 Cross-sectional surveys of UK general population
Web unlikely to be used as a stand- alone mode but mixed mode design worth exploring further Rethink how we design & conduct surveys Getting respondents to go online when contacting them in a different mode Respondent selection or whole households Measurement effects & selection effects Cost savings are marginal Clients’ tolerance for error versus cost

17 A probability-based web panel for the UK
Random probability sample: Fresh sample of addresses Piggy-back on existing RPS surveys Panel recruitment: Face-to-face Incentives Coverage of offline households: Provide hardware and broadband Other mode

18 A probability-based web panel for the UK
Is this the web solution for cross-sectional & longitudinal surveys? No commercial incentive to invest in prob-based web panel Is there an unmet demand/need for this? How can it be funded to ensure long-term sustainability? Does web mean mobile?

19 Next steps 4.

20 Main issues for the UK (and elsewhere?)
Dependency on address file for sampling – enhancement? Using web in cross-sectional surveys - could we & should we? Are probability-based mobile web panels the solution for both cross-sectional and longitudinal data collection in the UK? Need to rethink how we design surveys Clients’ tolerance for error versus cost 19 19

21 Next steps Online outputs Now UK Core Group September WebDataNet
Twitter feed Synthesis papers Presentations Event reports Now UK Core Group Discuss research agenda and recommendations September WebDataNet GenPopWeb will become a WebDataNet Task Force September Final report Research agenda & recommendations to facilitate transition to web data collection December

22 Thank you For further info Email
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