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Glycogen metabolism.

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1 glycogen metabolism


3 Glucose homeostasis 20 g 190 g glucose in body fluids, mainly blood Glycogen - liver ~ 24 hrs starvation Glycogenolysis ~ Gluconeogenesis after Carbohydrate/glucose reserve „Buffer role” in the maintenence of blood glucose level


5 Structure of glycogen

6 Glycogen synthesis

7 G-6-P - G-1-P conversion DIPF: diisopropylfuorophosphate - inhibitor

8 Activated glucose

9 Reaction is pulled in the
forward direction by the hydrolysis of PPi

10 UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase

11 Primer is required


13 glycogenin Autocatalytic activity for glycosylation
Human glycogenin gene- 1 muscle, -2 liver 5 exons 0.3% of glycogen is protein Glycogenin content determines the cellular glycogen content


15 Glycogen branching enzyme:
glycosyl (4,6) transferase, -more soluble glycogen -more non reducing terminal residues increased rate of metabolism

16 Glycogenesis

17 Energy balance of glycogenesis for one glycosyl unit
G-6-P + ATP + glycogen (n) + H2O Glycogen (n+1) + ADP + 2Pi

18 Glycogen degradation

19 Phosphorolysis = cleavage of a bond by Pi
Energetically advantageous – released sugar is phosphorylated Glycogen phosphorylase

20 Debranching enzyme Single polypeptide chain

21 Glycogenosis = glycogen storage disease
Targets: liver (blood glucose homeostasis – hypoglycaemia, hepatomegaly) muscle (ATP production, muscle contraction convulsions, weakness, unable for muscle work)


23 Glucose-6 phosphatase enzyme system in the ER membrane




27 ADP increases during exercise in McArdle disease measured byNMR


29 Glycogen phosphorylase
Muscle dimer or tetramer, Ser 14 phosphorylation/monomer AMP binding site Liver Glucose sensor function Regulated by allosteric interactions and Reversible phosphorylation

30 Glycogen phosphorylase
Pi binding site PLP: pyridoxal phosphate – each catalytic site contains PLP group

31 PLP - Schiff base linkage at active site of phosphorylase


33 active usually inactive not phosphorylated phosphorylated

34 Equilibrium favors Equilibrium favors

35 Allosteric binding site for nucleotides
Transition is controlled by the energy charge of the muscle cell

36 Glycogen phosphorylase
Phosphorylase a is fully active regardless of the levels of ATP/AMP, G-6-P Phosphorylase b is usually inactive under physiological circumstances because of the inhibitory effect of ATP and G-6-P

37 Allosteric binding site for glucose – glucose sensor function – only in liver
inactive Under physiological conditions there is no AMP dependent regulation

38 Activation of phosphorylase kinase
e.g. epinephrine δ subunit: calmodulin – calcium sensor


40 Glycogen synthase 9 sites for phosphorylation
PKA and other protein kinases can phosphorylate the enzyme Phosphorylation converts the active a form of the enzyme to inactive b form

41 Reciprocal regulation in glycogen metabolism

42 PP1: protein phosphatase 1
PP1 inactivates phosphorylase kinase and phosphorylase a PP1 decreases glycogen breakdown PP1 converts glycogen synthase b to much more active a form PP1 accelerates glycogen synthesis

43 PP1: protein phosphatase 1
Rgl: glycogen binding subunit PP1 is active, when associated with glycogen Rgl can be phosphorylated by PKA - causes dissociation from PP1 - inactive

44 Rgl can be phosphorylated by PKA
- causes dissociation from PP1 - inactive Rgl can be phosphorylated by insulin sensitive protein kinase - causes association to PP1 - active

45 Blood glucose regulates liver glycogen metabolism

46 Only in liver Muscle phosphorylase is unaffected by glucose

47 Signal amplification

48 Regulation of blood glucose level. Hyperglycaemia -1
Liver increased glucose uptake – GLUT2 Glucokinase – „extra glucose” Increased glycogenesis – insulin; PP1 – glycogen synthase Decreased glycogenolysis – glucose sensor function – glycogen phosphorylase PDH active – increased fatty acid synthesis

49 Regulation of blood glucose level. Hyperglycaemia -2
Peripheral tissues pancreas increased glucose uptake – GLUT2 Glucokinase – insulin secretion muscle, adipocytes GLUT4 increased number in membranes Increased glycogenesis Decreased glycogenolysis increased glycolysis – PFK1

50 Regulation of blood glucose level. Hyperglycaemia -3
Long term effects Decreased amount of PEPCK – decrease in gluconeogenesis

51 Regulation of blood glucose level. Hypoglycaemia
liver Increased gluconeogenesis Increased glycolysis

52 Regulation of blood glucose level. Hypoglycaemia
newborns Limited ketone body synthesis Brain/body rate – Increased glucose demand PEPCK is not induced, gluconeogenesis is not enough Glycogen storage is limited Glucokinase, G-6-P-ase are not induced

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